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"Yo Theo you good?" Ollie yelled across the pitch, as he ran towards him

"Theo?" Ollie called out as he snapped his fingers infront of his face

"Huh? What, oh yeah" Theo answered

"What's up with you today?"Ollie asked

"Nothing" Theo said, doing keepie uppies with the football

"Mate, there's clearly something up" Ollie said

"Theo, where's your head at today, man" Elijah asked, intercepting the ball away from Theo.

Theo rolled his eyes at his teammates trying to get him to talk.

"It's nothing" He repeated, reaching for the ball in Elijah's hands

"Nope, not happening. We're on a team together and you're the captain. If you're spacing out then we're a bit fucked cause coach doesn't know what's going on on the fields half of the time" Elijah pointed out

"Don't forget he's coaches' star player" Ollie added as Elijah nodded in agreement

"So what's up? you can tell us anything"

"Fine. It's just some shit with this girl" Theo huffed

"What is it, you've got too many on your line and she wants more?" Elijah asked

"Nah, not even. It's just one girl. This one girl in my head all the time" Theo admitted and he couldn't help but stop and think the moment he finally admitted Naomi was the only girl on his mind

"One girl!" Ollie'a eyes widened at this shocker of a comment

"Listen, listen. Boys, I don't like her or anything, but whenever she's around me I can't help but look her and when I'm actually near her and I just think fuck - why can't I stop thinking about you. Then I go to talk to her as a friend, and I just- I just fuck up and piss her off" Theo sighed

"Ahhh sounds like me before I got with my girl, Aimee. We literally met on the first night of freshers, it was friends with benefits and now we're official." Ollie said, " I used to piss off with dumb comments and now she realised I was just a fumbling mess"

"Oh fuck off Ollie, not everyone can be like you. I'm pretty sure Theo doesn't want to hear about your perfect story romance" Elijah stated

"Awww is Elijah all upset cos he ain't getting none?" Ollie teased

"Actually, I'm getting serious with this one girl Tiana" Elijah grinned

"Shitden, never thought you'd be getting serious" Ollie admitted

"Wait, Tiana? As in studies psychology with criminology?" Theo asked

"Yeah why, don't tell me you've beat and deleted her and now I'm getting your sloppy seconds" Elijah groaned

"Nah, nah nothing like that. She's my flatmate. Not even gonna lie, you two seem like you'd be good together. I'm happy for you" Theo smiled

"Thanks man. But now back to you and this girl, are you sure you don't like her?" Elijah asked

"Yeah cause I'm pretty sure the Theo we all knew at the start of the year wasn't on 'getting into a relationship' and 'didn't catch feelings'" Ollie added

"I didn't- I mean I haven't caught feelings. She's just a girl" Theo stated

"Yeah just a girl who's got you in your head at practice, which is usually where you're in your element and free" Ollie said

"She doesn't seem like just a girl to me either. Theo, you haven't even told us her name and usually you're the first to tell us a girl's name when you're with them cause you wanna make sure no one goes near them" Elijah pointed out, "And not even you want to do that in a protective sense, it's a I'm fucking them - I'm not sharing any of the girls on my roaster vibe"

"I-I..." Theo stumbled on his words after what Elijah just called him out on, "Listen, her name doesn't matter, not cause of your stupid psychology analysis shit, but because she's got a boyfriend..." he paused, correcting himself, "well a friends with benefits" Theo groaned

"Wait, you're chasing after a taken girl? Wow she's got you whipped" Elijah laughed

"I'm not whipped okay. If you actually listened to the important things I've said in this conversation instead of creating this mad idea of me liking her, you would of heard that I'm only thinking about her cause I fuck up when I talk to her... and this time I really fucked up" Theo sighed

"Oh shit, what did you say?" Ollie asked

"I'm obviously not going to repeat it cause it was bad and I hurt her, but let's just say I used something she trusted me with" Theo admitted

"You broke her trust. Nah that's something girls don't take lightly" Elijah mentioned

"I know mate. I know I fucked up and I fucked up badly and she won't even let me apologise. I tried but I got interrupted" Theo cursed

"Okay, I know you say you don't like this girl, but by the way you're talking about her sounds like another story, but all I can say is try to talk to her again, not as an apology, but talk" Ollie advised

"Yeah, maybe don't apologise again if she doesn't want to hear it, maybe it's in the past and she just wants to move on from it and is just keeping her distance from you cause you broke her trust" Elijah stated

Theo sighed, all he could do now was listen to what his teammates had said cause everything he did seemed to make things worse with Naomi.

He just wanted to go to bed. He couldn't deal with this anymore. He hated what he had said to Naomi but knew she needed her space.

 He hated what he had said to Naomi but knew she needed her space

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Ollie Stone

Elijah Parker

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Elijah Parker

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