Chapter 2

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William P.O.V

"Here." I heard two security guards say in our earpieces as they looked around a corner. It was like we were in a war zone, but it was what it was. The people had taken our queen. "We'll go first to breach the gate." I heard them state and ten of them ran towards the gate and I heard some movement. Hugo and I walked up and my heart froze for a second as I saw the scene before me.

Thirteen men had already gone on their knees, their weapons down and their hands up in surrender. Thirteen other men were standing there, guns pointed to us, but I could see fear in their eyes. Then three men were standing there with all the self-assurance in the world. The first man, on the left, had blonde hair that currently went all over the place. I recognised them right away and my heart literally stopped as I saw him standing there. The husband of my second sister Sally, Harry was standing there. Guns pointed to us and there was a hatred and slight fear in his eyes. The second man was the man that my two brothers had been jealous about with our wife Julia, Evan. He was the second in command of her security team, but apparently, he didn't agree on the security we put into place for her. The third was the highest ranking general in our country, General Trendan. As I looked around for a second, I couldn't help but be slightly relieved that there were only around thirty men here in his support. He could've, as the second man after me, gotten more supporters with his power alone. But apparently everyone in this country knew not to cross me.

What broke my heart though, was seeing whom he was holding, a gun to her head. Her light brown curls were currently all over the place. Her face was covered in tears and I saw loads of bruises on them. Her dress had been ripped off, showing her naked body. What made my anger go to curiosity, was the blood that went down her legs, combined with the bruises and slash like marks that were on her stomach. They had not only hurt our wife, but also our baby. She was shaking, and the cold probably did not help either but as her grey eyes met my green, I saw that it was pain and fear. She was petrified and she was in utter pain. Only one second had passed since I had arrived here and I blinked as I looked sideways at Hugo whom had his gun pointed towards General Trendan now.

"Lower your weapons." I stated in my king voice to the thirteen men whom had their guns pointed to us, but I saw doubt in their eyes. They looked at General Trendan for a second; so, he was the leader of this operation. Good to know. Trendan didn't look back at them though, he stared at us. I wondered where Julia's hands were. I then saw that her arms were to the back of her body so I assumed they were tied up. There was also duck tape on her mouth, and this made me absolutely fucking fuming.

Only two men dropped their guns, I guess the fear of my wrath wasn't high enough, but there was a solution to that. "Someone inform King Trevor." I said casually staring at those men whom hearing his name dropped their weapons right away. "Tie their arms to their backs." I snapped at them.

"Don't come near us. We're taking her." Harry said pointing the gun and shooting towards one of our security men. Hugo still had his hand raised though as if to state to hold their fire. We didn't want to risk our wife.

"And why would we let you do that?" I replied coolly towards Harry whom looked back at me.

"She wants to leave. She wants to go back to her parents in the united states. She has told us everything about the process." He said and I looked at him for a second and I knew right away this was a lie. Hugo lowered his gun for a second though.

"If she has told you everything you wanted to hear, why did you harm the Godess of Seglusa?" I replied coolly and Hugo raised his gun again.

"Because she wasn't being cooperative. Wanted to say goodbye first." Trendan said and I stared at him and I moved my head sideways to look at him better.

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