Chapter 9

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Julia P.O.V

I was in Brusta for over a week now and I was slightly calmer now. Some things had become clear to me and my mind wasn't so fuzzy. I had had conversations every single day with the high priestess; as she was the only one qualified enough to talk about my troubles. She was the only one that genuinely knew what the Process was.

On the 9th day I was here, I felt safe enough to go for a walk in the private gardens of the Keep here. I walked through the gardens and I enjoyed the scent of the flowers. On the 10th day I felt safe enough to walk from the Keep to the outlook point on the outskirts; with five nuns. Then on the eleventh day I walked through the city, with the high priestess and I was terrified, and I had gotten a panic attack, but she helped me guide through it. On the twelfth day I did it again and I only had a minor panic attack. On the thirteenth day I walked through the city once more, and I felt safe. I ordered an ice cream at an ice cream parlour and I turned around as I heard people walk in. My eyes widened as I saw a boy that was 16 years old, he had blonde curly hair that went all over the place, and his eyes were the grey eyes that had stared me down while I was being beaten up. The second boy was 14 years old and had brown curly hair and had the blue eyes I dreamt of every single night before I went to bed. He was holding the hand of a little girl with blonde ringlets down her face, and she had the blue eyes that I dreamt about as well. She looked a lot like her mother, whom walked after them. Her mother had an oval face like Hugo, but had the blonde curly hair from her father, Lucas, she had the blue eyes that Trevor had, but it was William's shape; like their mother. Her eyes met mine and her eyes widened.

The three kids recognised me right away, and kneeled for me and Sally gulped for a second before she did the same. I stared at the four of them and I looked at the high priestess whom could see my panic.

"Breathe" She said to me and I looked at her. "Four breaths in, four breaths out. Think of three positive things while doing this" she said. I took one deep breath in and I breathed out again. William's smile. Another breath in and a breath out, Hugo's perfect brown eyes. Another breath in, and another breath out. Trevor's perfect blond curly hair. Another breath in and another breath out. I opened my eyes and I was calm and they were still kneeling.

"You may address." I stammered to them and they all stood up and looked at me fearfully.

"Auntie Julia!" Little Becky said running up to me and hugging me. I smiled a bit at that as Sally's eyes widened in panic.

"Becky!" She said worriedly but I accepted the hug bending down and hugging her tightly and I picked her up.

"Hey Becky. You look even more beautiful than I remembered" I said putting a blonde ringlet out of her eye.

"We here because daddy did a bad thing. But we not to blame. We go to school here until the end of the year" She said, her eyes wide looking at me.

"And do you like it here? How is the school here?"

"People are so nice here." She said as I put her down and I looked at her with a small smile. "Mommy say we move to Prangie after the year ends. We close to all our cousins!" She said excited and I smiled very widely looking at her, she looked so much like her mother. I looked up and the second boy, the fourteen-year-old Travis, looked exactly like his father. Timothy was a mix, but those eyes.

"That sounds great" I said and Timothy bit his lip looking at me as he then looked away, tears in his eyes.

"I am sorry." Travis then spat out, not being able to control it. I looked at him. "I know I don't- I'm sorry" He said and he turned around and ran away.

"Travis!" Sally said right away.

"I'll go after him. I know my eyes" Timothy says and I looked at Becky.

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