Chapter 14

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"Babe!" Trevor said excited the next afternoon as I arrived at the most beautiful place close to Valkarae and I smiled as I ran up to him to hug him and he hugged me back, rubbing my back. He grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. "I heard from a certain birdie that you do have some questions for me, that my dick has to stay in my pants, and that we're gonna do loads of talking?" He said and I burst out into laughter.

"Did you torture Will?" I scolded him.

"Just a bit of nipple pinching." He said and I frowned at that. "O not the sexy pinching I do with you, but I twist it like this?" he said showing it and I laughed and nodded and shook my head as he turned around and I jumped on his back and he walked with me to the outside couch that was by the backyard; the view intense again. We sat down and he poured me in a glass of some drink.

"Whats this?"

"Wine. Alcohol. I realised you've never had it and I want to see you drunk." he said and I burst out into laughter. "And since we're not creating anything upcoming week, might as well." he said and I giggled as I took a sip and he looked at me expectantly. "And?"

"Good." I confirmed and he nodded.

"So, the questions, I know you're distracted by my charm, arms and hair." He said with that cute smile of his. "Ask me anything and I'll answer with my cute honesty."

"Trev. This is serious."

"I know and I am serious". He stated to me and I nodded slowly at that as I grabbed the piece of paper again and he snatched it out of my hand.

"Trevor." I said annoyed as he read it and then looked at me and nodded.

"I technically never lied to you. I voted for you and I always stated that. Why I didn't tell you that Heather was chosen ahead of you, was because I didn't want to hurt you. I also believed that if I had been the person that said it to you, that it would come over as petty, since it would ruin your relationships with Hugo and William, but not with me. Since I've been very clear about you wanting to be my wife since I laid eyes on you" He said and I frowned at him. "what?"

"You stole my paper."

"It's easier." he said and I crossed my arms and he sighed as he handed me back the paper. "I was immensely happy that she didn't want to be our wife, since I never loved her or was interested in her. If she had been our wife, then I would've dealt with her but life would be so boring." He said and I stared at him with some amusement. "You're my person." He said casually looking at me. "You liked me for me, and showed interest in all sides of me. I now like to think that you love me for me." he said "And I love you for you, your wacky rules and notes and lists included." he said pointing to my piece of paper and I rolled my eyes at that. "You can trust me because I hate lying and I'll tell you anything you need to know, when the time is right."

"So, if I ask you who my parents are?" I asked and he looked at me amused.

"I wouldn't answer because I know you don't want to know them now. But when the time is right, I will tell you, and I will tell you." he said and I stared at him shocked. "Because I think you should know who you were and where you come from, it would explain a lot." He said and I stared at him with some amusement, but also tears in my eyes. "But right now, isn't the time for you to find out."

"You forgot one question." I said as I looked at my list.

"What?" he said.

"Why you didn't feel the need to ask my permission, go into Will's wishes."

"Because I knew you'd want it and I didn't see any trouble in it." He said and I stared at him with loads of amusement, almost shocked amusement. This guy. "What? It's true right? Would you have said no?"

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