|10| Riko Katagawa

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~the next day~

  Hiromi didn't attend the host club... for obvious reasons. But neither did Riko Katagawa. She was most likely hiding out at her mansion like the spoiled little rich girl that she is.

  For most of the day, Hiromi sat on the couch, just staring off into space and not speaking a word to anyone.

  Due to the trauma of being in a room all by herself, she had refused to sleep in her bedroom the night before, and so she slept on the living room floor... and Haruhi was right there with her.

  The police had decided to visit Riko's home and see if she was there. They weren't about to let her get away with assault, no matter how rich she was. Not to mention, she had stolen Hiromi's prosthetic leg. Which she would quite obviously need back.

  ~Riko's house~

  Riko Katagawa, that smug little bitch, sat alone in her giant bedroom, with a huge smirk on her face. She looked at the trash can in her room, and laughed to herself as she looked at the prosthetic leg sticking out of it.

  She was feeling pretty good about herself after yesterday, and she was confident that she wouldn't get in trouble for what she had done. After all, she was from a prominent family; they wouldn't let anything happen to her.

  But little did she know, that Hiromi had the entire host club backing her, and even one of their families was more important than Riko's. Basically... she was screwed to hell.


  The police knocked on the Katagawa family's door, and the head butler answered. He looked confused by the presence of police on the doorstep of the Katagawa estate.

  "Can I help you with something?" The butler asked curiously. The lead police officer nodded. "We'd like to speak with Riko Katagawa please."

  "What's going on?" Riko's mother asked as she approached the cops with her husband at her side.

  "We need to speak to your daughter." The cop said flatly. Riko's mother's eyes widened. "What ever for?" She questioned in surprise. The cop rolled his eyes. "Just go get her." He said impatiently.

  Riko's mother looked rather offended at his tone, but nonetheless, she sent one of the maids to fetch her daughter.


  The police were waiting in the living room with Riko's parents, when she skipped into the room with a smile on her face. "You wanted to see me mother?" She asked cheerfully. "A-actually dear, they did." Riko's mother replied hesitantly while pointing at the cops.

  Riko's eyes widened. "What are you guys doing here?" She asked in a snobby tone. The cops rolled their eyes. "We're here for you." The head cop said. "What?!" Riko's mother exclaimed.

  "Riko Katagawa, you're under arrest for the assault and robbery of Hiromi Fujioka. You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Now let's go." The cop said as he placed handcuffs on Riko.

  "This is ridiculous, I didn't assault anybody!" She shouted incredulously. "Oh yeah? Just like you didn't rob Hiromi and leave her in an empty room?" A cop said sarcastically.

  "Well of course I didn't do that. I'd never do anything of the sort." Riko protested angrily.

  "If that's the case, then why did we find Hiromi Fujioka's prosthetic leg in the trash can in your bedroom?" One of the cops asked as he walked into the room with Hiromi's leg in his hand. Riko's eyes widened as the officers looked at each other in satisfaction. They knew that they had her.

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