Bonus chapter: Ouran imagines... the characters are high

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A/N: so this funny idea for a bonus chapter just popped into my head, and I had to write it. This isn't part of the main story, it's a side story containing the random adventures of the Host club and others. I'll probably do a few more bonus chapters in the future. Now this characters being high on Ecstasy.

I know drugs are bad, but this idea popped into my head last night. I was lying in bed trying to fall asleep and I suddenly thought "What would the characters be like if they were high?" So I decided to write this and find out.

  Please don't be offended by anything in this chapter, it's all in the name of humor. Enjoy!


  "Good afternoon everyone!" Hiromi said happily as she skipped into the club room. The host club members looked at her and smiled.

   "Hi chan!" Honey exclaimed as he tried to jump into Hiromi's arms like he usually did. However, instead of catching him this time, Hiromi just stood there. Honey looked at her sadly. "Why didn't you hug me back?" He asked with tears in his eyes. Hiromi chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that Honey Senpai. I just didn't want to drop what was in my hand." She explained.

  Honey immediately perked up at her words. "Ooh! What do you have?" He questioned curiously. Hiromi smiled and held out her hand. In her palm, she had a handful of white tablets.

  "What are those?" Hikaru asked curiously as he walked up to Hiromi. She shrugged in response. "I don't really know to be honest. All I know is this nice man was standing outside the school and he offered them to me. I believe he said they were called Molly." She said.

  Suddenly, everyone heard the sound of a book slapping shut and they looked over to Kyoya who had a perturbed look on his face.

"Molly is another name for Ecstasy, a drug that induces euphoria, enhanced empathy, altered sensations, and pleasure. It's mostly used for recreational purposes." He said cooly. "You really know everything don't you?" Hikaru said smartly.

  "Of course I would know about something like this. My family business is in medicine after all." Kyoya replied. "Now, throw those out." He instructed. Hiromi's eyes widened. "Why? You made them sound so fun!" She complained.

  Kyoya rolled his eyes. "Drugs are bad, and they don't belong in a prestigious school such as this one. Besides, I don't want any of our guests to see you acting like a fool." He replied.

  "But the club is closed today." Tamaki reminded him. "Come on Kyoya, we won't get too crazy. Can't we try at least one pill?" Kaoru whined. "No." Kyoya said flatly. "What if we cut them in half to reduce the effects?" Hiromi suggested. "I said no." Kyoya replied. "Party pooper." Hikaru muttered. "Dream killer." Kaoru said. "Soulless creature." A creepy voice said. Everyone froze in fear and looked to their right to see Nekozawa.

"When did you get here?!" Tamaki exclaimed in horror. "He's been here the whole time. He came in with me." Hiromi said in a deadpan tone. "You really didn't notice him?" Tamaki shook his head.

  "If it helps, my cousin once tried Ecstasy and she was perfectly fine." Nekozawa said. Hiromi's eyes widened. "Wait, are you talking about Saskia?" She asked and Nekozawa nodded. "Actually, that doesn't surprise me too much. She seems kind of like a wild one." Hikaru said.

  "You say that like it's a bad thing, but we all know that you still like her." Hiromi said while smirking. Hikaru turned bright red. "I-I do not!" He tried to deny, while failing miserably. Everyone but Kyoya and Mori chuckled. "If it makes a difference, I know that she likes you too." Nekozawa said. "Really?!" Hikaru exclaimed a little too loudly. "Yeah, you should ask her out." Hiromi replied.

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