chapter 3

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Andrew sat in the waiting room at the hospital staring at the white wall before him. He was still in shock at the incident which took place a while ago.

His vision blurred with tears as he realize the reason for his sister's accident.

It was all his fault.

Amelia was lying there at that hospital room fighting for her life because of him.

If only he had been a good brother to her

If only he had protected her all this wouldn't have happened.

What would he say to his parent? How would he tell them that he was the reason why his sister is so close to death.

The thought cause his heart to tighten in hurt and his eyes glass with unshed tears.

He was in so much emotional pain that he didn't notice Dave, Amelia's friend who has been pacing around finally came in front of him.

"This is all your fault" he accused; his voice was shaky and tears were running down his eyes. Dave never openly stood up to Andrew so he guessed that the guy must be really hurt by all that is happening to his best friend and Andrew wouldn't blame him for that.

"If only you had protected lia, all this wouldn't have happened. Lia wouldn't be in there. If only you had just been a true brother to her this wouldn't have happened" he collapse to the floor, letting all his emotions out.
Andrew couldn't hold it in anymore as he realize that Dave's words were true. He is responsible for what is happening now. It's all his fault.

He didn't even realize that he was crying until he felt the warm liquid flowing down his eyes.

They cried for what seem like hours before Dave finally composed himself and said in the harshest tone possible "if anything happens to Amelia, i swear I'll make your life miserable"

He didn't wait for a reply as he walked out of the waiting room.

Andrew couldn't even look Dave in the eye. He was suppose to be the one saying that to the culprit yet he is the culprit.

The thought brought more tears to his eyes as he realize what a failure of a brother he has been to Amelia. How was he going to say this to his parent? How was he going to tell them that he is one of the reasons why she is at the brick of death. They were going to hate him for sure.

"Drew" he heard the familiar voice of Francis beside him but he didn't look at him.

Andrew knew that it wasn't entirely Francis fault but he still blamed him for it.

He wanted to be fit enough to be among the populars and Francis encouraged him which means that it was mostly his fault. Andrew was just dumb enough to agree with him.

"I-i'm sorry" Francis strutters making Andrew wonder if he really meant the words and even though he meant it, it was already too late.

"It's not your fault" Andrew drawl out bitterly with angry tears running down his cheeks "it's my fault for choosing you over her"

"I'm sorry" Francis said again and Andrew could tell that he was close to tears but he wouldn't let that faze him. If Amelia survived; which he hoped she will, he had decided to break every contact he has with the populars and focus on being the best brother to her. 

"There is no need to apologize Francis. It's actually my fault for being friends with you in the first place so as from now on our friendship is over"

Francis eyes widen in shock as he said "please drew don't break up our friendship because of this. I know what i did is wrong but please don't..."

"It's over Francis" Andrew cut in. "I won't be a part of your stupid gang anymore and I'll appreciate  it if you leave"

"Drew" he tried to protest but Andrew wasn't ready to listen 

"just get out!" He said harshly and Francis didn't need any more warning as he quietly left his best friend alone.

Many hours went by but the doctors haven't brought any news. The head teacher; Mrs Williamson, who was assigned to look after the student had already gone home and so Andrew was left alone to his thought.

He had made a promise to himself that if Amelia survived, he was going to be the best brother to her, he would protect her and take care of her but she just have to fight and survive.

He was slowly drifting into sleep when he heard his parents voice "Andrew dear"

He opened his eyes and saw his parent rushing in, looking panic "mum, dad" he greeted and stood up to give them a hug.

They were called the moment Amelia was brought to the hospital but they couldn't take an immediate flight. Which is why they arrived later.

"How is she son?" His dad asked with heavy concern lace in his voice

"The doctors haven't said anything yet" he informed and his mother turn to his dad in fright.

"I hope she is going to be okay. She will won't she Dan?" She asked as if trying to convince herself.

"Yes she will darl don't worry" he assured and hugged.

Andrew's heart broke as he saw his parent so scared and panicked. They will never forgive him if they found out the truth.

The thought brought fresh tears to his eyes and before he knew it, he found himself saying "i'm sorry mum dad i'm sorry it's all my fault" he couldn't even look them in the eye.

"Don't blame yourself son. It's not your fault" his dad assured.

"No dad it is. I didn't protect her. It's all my fault"

He began to cry and his parent hugged him assuring him that he wasn't to blame but he knew they wouldn't think the same if they knew the truth and that made him guilty. He wouldn't want his parent ya hate him.

He will tell them the truth but not now. Maybe he would do that when Amelia gets better because she will get better.

This is my first story on wattpad. And those reading I do hope you like it. Thank you and please keep reading the story gets better

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