Chapter 15

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AN: This chapter is dedicated to seleneEclispe. for the amazing cover page she made for the story.

Its been two weeks since she overheard the conversation between her mum and dad. She hasn't talked to them yet and she wasn't planning to anytime soon.

Her dad was leaving the country on a business trip and he is taking her mum with him. It was just like old times where they would leave her all alone in the house but this time Andrew was around.

Her parents promised to explain everything she heard in the kitchen last two weeks when they return but Amelia really didn't care anymore. She was going to find out herself anyway.

Her parents left before her first day of school. She even recall the hush conversation they had with Andrew before they left.

She had no idea what they were whispering about but it sounded like they were giving Andrew some kind of warning which was weird.

Everything happening in the house was weird anyway and she was slowly learning to accept it and just focus on solving the mystery.

Amelia quickly got dressed in a white shirt, ripped jeans and black sneakers then she threw on her crop jean jacket before rushing down stairs after picking up her bag pack.

She got to the breakfast table to see that Andrew had already prepared breakfast and was munching on his.

He looked up and gave her a warm smile "morning lia"

She forced a smile back "morning" the scene was so unfamiliar and weird. It felt like he had never done that for her before.

Oh yeah he hasn't, he wasn't always around remember.

She shook away the thought and settle down on the sit beside him and they ate in silence.

This has got to be the most awkward breakfast in all histories of awkward breakfast. Neither of them said a word and only their eating utensils was able to provide any sound.

Amelia really wanted to say something or try to form conversation that could pull her out of this awkward moment but she felt like if she wasn't careful and say something wrong, he might hit her.

Andrew also kept silent without saying a word. It made her relive and yet uncomfortable. She couldn't help but admit that she didn't like him at all. No matter how friendly he was she just couldn't like him.

She didn't like the feelings that comes with being around him. It made her feel so unsafe.

After breakfast, he lead her to his car and soon they were on their way to her new school.

And God she was so nervous.

Amelia found herself walking through the quiet hallways of lotus high alone.

Andrew couldn't show her around because he had to go back home to retrieve a project he was suppose to submit so she was left wandering on her own.

Surprisingly, she didn't get lost. Everything looks familiar and it made her wonder if she had been here before.

After getting her schedule and locker location from the management office, she went ahead in search of her first class.

She was looking down at her schedule to cross check all her subjects for the day when someone bump right into her causing everything in her hands to drop to the floor.

The blond hair girl responsible for this made no attempt to apologize and instead turn to walk away but Amelia wasn't having any of that.

"Excuse you" she called after the blond girl causing her to stop and face her.

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