Chapter 22

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Francis sat with his group of friends at their usual spot in the cafeteria as they charted endlessly.

He stared at the laughing face of his best friend Andrew and a small smile graze his lips at the sight.

He couldn't remember the last time he had seen Andrew this happy and it wouldn't take a genius to know that his little sister Amelia is the reason for that.

For the past two weeks, Francis has noticed the change in their relationship. Andrew always has his arm around Amelia's shoulder when they arrive at school together and also when they leave.

It was a good thing and he was more than happy about it. Finally his best friend will stop living like a corpse.

He watched as Amelia walked into the noisy cafeteria with Dave. They were both laughing and Francis smiled at the sight.
He couldn't remember a time Amelia had been that happy. He notice that she was practically glowing whenever she is with Dave and he wouldn't deny he was kind of envious of the guy.

He wanted Amelia's forgiveness; he wanted her to take notice of him and even a small smile at him would do. But he knew that would never happen; not while she had Dave and he was too much of a coward to make the first move. He couldn't look her in the eye because it reminded him of the pain he put her through.

He snap out of his thought when Amelia waved at Andrew from across the huge cafeteria room and he wave back grinning widely.

"Has she manage to convince Dave yet?" Quinn asked after Andrew had stop waving but his smile remained on his face.

"I don't think so. But I won't ask her about it any more. Its her choice if she wants to sit with us or not"

Apparently, a week ago, Andrew had asked Amelia to sit with them at the cafeteria but she refused saying that Dave didn't want to sit with them and she wouldn't leave Dave on his own.

Andrew didn't seem to mind though.

"You know its a good thing she refused" Kaitlin said glancing over her shoulder at Amelia in disgust which didn't surprise Francis. Even after all that had happened, she still hated Amelia "I wouldn't want to share a table with that disgusting thing"

"Kaitlin!" Quinn exclaimed in disbelieve "how could you say that. I thought you're finally over all this hate and malice you bore for Amelia. For God sake the girl had done nothing to you, give her a break"

"Wrong Quinn" Kaitlin retorted annoyed "that bitch is doing all this on purpose. Do you guys really think she has amnesia. She's doing all this to make you all feel guilty about the past and you fell for it like idiots" she scoff and return to eating, ignoring the glare being thrown at her by Quinn.

Francis couldn't say anything. He's already scolded Kaitlin many times for thinking that way about Amelia and if he hadn't threatened to cut off their relationship_ which wasn't anything serious_ she wouldn't have acted nice to Amelia at all.

He focus his attention on Francis who has his hands clench. Almost crushing the poor metal fork in his hands.

Quinn was also staring at him worriedly as if she expected him to snap any second.

Erin was toying with her food and it felt like she wasn't even with them. All through the week_ no scratch that. Ever since Amelia came back she had been quiet.

Erin has always been a quiet girl. She had never been the type of girl that blabber at any chance they get. That was Kaitlin job. But this time, Francis could feel that her silence was base on an entirely different reason and the way she kept glancing at Amelia and Dave whenever they were together was enough to confirm his suspicion.

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