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Hellea! My name is Shadow!ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

oh you want me to wright about myself? But the authers killed me off before i even got a personalty!

Well little do they know I'm alive!

ok ok here is my life story...

I grew up in Trunswik playing the act of Devin's girlfreind to win my family favor so my sister Ellen culd have a good life. I was training as a singer and i still love sining to this day, Worthy often tells me how beutifull my voice is, thogh it must have gotten worse since i became part cat. My name ust to be Ella but tbh I prefer Shadow XD Enywahy, in Trunswik when the Conquors came they, of corse, took Devin. I, however, was forced to go with him. I chose a cute little black cat as my spirit animal. I named her Midnight and her tatoo was on my left foot. I'd rather leve out my 'adventures' in the Conquors, exept one. Me and Devin had been sent to Amaya to colect more bile from troops stasiond there, a boy named Con and a girl named Molly helped us. Molly is now also a Redcloack, one of my best freinds infact, she goes by the name Foxy now.

you probly want to know how i survived dont you XD

so the Wyirm dident take all the life out of me, there was just enogh to live left, why it left it in my I do not know, mabey Rollan just looked so tastey it culdent wait. When it dropped me I landded on a ledje, it was only a meeter down from the surface. And thats how I survived.

oh you want to hear about my relaionship with Worthy? ok then!

So after Zerif jumped and evrything was ok, well lets just say he has allways had a crush on me, so he came looking to see if I was alive. And I was. He took me to some of the most powerfull healers and if it wasent for him I'd have dyed on that ledje, alone and forgotten.
When I awoke from my coma, Worthy was away helping the four heros save the world. I owed him for saving me and I just wanted to say thanck you, so me and Jolt set out to find him. When we did he hugged me, the closest we had ever gotten. After that me and him became good freinds. He wuld often ask me out and try to impress me, but really it was just funny watching him trip up on his own tail. I mean imagen you and you're best freind (Tallon) are sitting having a normall coversion, when suddenly your guy freind comes running in and trips on his own tail, then is so stunned by you cleaning the blood of his face he forgets what he was trying to say! Before long the cat-boy made me fall for him, he was just so goofy and kind, and hansome. But for a long time i denyed my feelings towards him. It was probaby about two years after the Wyirm that I finally admited it, and let him kiss me. From then on we have been a perfect happy cople.

Now you tell me you have hurd rumors we got marryed three times!? oh come on.................................its true.

Yes ok, ok, I marryed him three times ge over it I love him allright-

Well I hope you enjoyed my story here are afew images/videos for you as I exit.

-My theme song

-Midnight my 'spirit animal'

-Me as a Conquar (Ella)

-Ella fighting Shadow


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