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(I found his theme song which is above. It's actually a really good song that I think fits him well)

Hey there! I'm Rollan, but people call me the falcon master. Mainly because of my spirit animal Essix. Yep, that's right, I summoned a Great Beast! Guess where I summoned her at.

A prison cell.

Now your probably wondering how and why, so let me tell you my backstory. It all started in a small town in Amaya, called Concorba. My mother abandoned me as a child which caused me to be put in a orphanage. I escaped though, because all they made us do was work which I have no idea why. I assuming because their lazy butts. Anyways, after I escaped I became a street orphan! I met some friends and one of them got sick, so I had to go get some extract for the dude or he would die. Dramatic right? I got caught though when my other friend came in and stole it while I was "distracting" the shop owner and his body guard or whatever. I got put in a prison cell with a guy and his rat as company which sucked big time, but eventually this lady came and gave me what is called nectar. After I took it, POOF! Essix appeared in front of me which got my ticket out of jail. This evil guy called Zerif almost took me, pretending to be one of the good guys called the Greencloaks. The leader of the Greencloaks came to rescue me though and brought me and Essix back to Green haven to meet up with three other kids my age when supposedly got Great Beasts as their spirit animals. I also met our mentor, Tarik, who became sort of like my father figure... Me and my three new friends Conor, Abeke, and Meilin, traveled almost everywhere with our mentor Tarik, saving countries, lives, Great Beasts, each other and blah blah blah. Tarik died along the way, causing sadness in all of us, but not for long when we were having a funeral for him and Abeke decides to bring her "friend" along the way, named Shane, thinking he was good still, but then he decided to steal almost all of the talismans and wrecking the ceremony for Tarik. Let's just say it wasnt fun the past few weeks when we had to track down Shane and his bad guys including Zerif and save the world. I'm not gonna sit here and tell my whole story, but all I'm gonna say is that we have met new friends along the way and some of them are here right now in Greenhaven or visiting. We have saved the world plenty of times and bonded with each other *cough* Meilin *cough* and our spirit animals greatly. We have plenty of allies now as well.

I hope you enjoyed my short background telling storytime. Essix and I wish you well! Also, stay away from walruses! I've met them in person and their evil!

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