Conor (sorry if Briggan ate your shoes)

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Hi. I'm Conor. I'd like to apologize in advance if Briggan ate your shoes. If that's the reason you're here... 


...I mean, he was probably bored, and he likes eating random shoes, so don't get too mad about it. Meilin got pretty mad when he ate her shoes. Don't be like her.

Well, at least she didn't get really mad.

How do I start? I come from a town off the skirts of Trunswick. (Following Meilin's research) I come from either France or maybe Finland versions of Erdas. I've gotten better at talking to people after... um... saving the world a few times but I still like to leave most of the talking to Briggan. You might not understand him, but he still talks like a politician.

Best friend? Obviously Briggan and the rest of the Four Fallen, but I'm closest to Abeke. She seems to understand me the most, and she does the perfect combination of listening and talking. Sometimes, she does seem a little distant though, when I compare our backgrounds. Rollan is also great. In terms of... um... comic relief, he's the one. He's actually a lot softer than you might think. Same with Meilin. She's a warrior, but she's not as scary as she looks... most of the time. She's way scarier than she looks when you bring up Reilin.

Enemy? Cordelia. I have virtually no clue on why on Erdas she hates my guts but she does. Well, she did. T-T and I almost joined her to the afterlife. Thankfully, Briggan and Meilin were there.

Most memorable war? You would probably guess it would be the battle of the Wyrm, but I honestly don't remember that much about it. Mostly fatigue... and Meilin's frustration... and Kovo's red stare... and the voice inside my head. Meilin and Takoda tell me I nearly gave up my own life on the ship on the underground lake. Did I? Maybe I just didn't see the reason I should continue. I think it's the Second Devourer War for me. Up to that time, I was just a random person / servant living in Eura, having pretty much no existence, until suddenly I was expected to save the world. It was also the time I got over most of my beginning fears of Briggan, from all the nights I staved off wolves like him from our flock.

- If you try and squeeze some conversation out of me, it'll mostly be about old times and Briggan and 99% of the time I only speak with the rest of the Four Fallen and the other friends I've actually journeyed with.

- Yes, thanks to long sessions in the library with the terrifying librarian and Meilin being exasperated and Abeke trying (failing) to be patient with me and Rollan dozing off in the corner, I can read and write, as you can see.

- I HATE talking about the old times when Worthy was Devin Trunswick. He isn't Devin anymore, and we've forgiven each other. Final.

- @TheCobaltWolf_  is an interesting person aka me

I think that's all I have to say 0.0 oh and you guys have to help me convince Meilin to write a book of her roleplaying. She's unwillingly hilarious and I bet Tellun that she can practically lift depression.

Bai :] 

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