✧Meilin Teng✧

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You've read the title right? I'm writing my *shorter* autobiography here. When I'm not in Erdas, I go by the name of Tabby_Sohee0310 which is my (mostly) non-roleplay account.

First things first: It's me. Meilin Teng. Yes, one of the Four Fallen. Honestly, if you haven't heard of us, then there's some serious problems going on. I've saved Erdas at least three times. Also, I don't tolerate any rumors about me or any one of my friends and fellow Greencloaks. Or Redcloaks. 

The entire point of those books about Erdas is to describe my life, but if you must insist, here's my life story:

I was born as a noble of Zhong. My father, General Teng, was one of the highest-respected and most remarkable generals of all of Zhong. Everyone thought I was some polite maiden that would serve tea and such for the rest of my life, but both my father and I knew that was completely untrue. I have the spirit of a warrior. I could beat nearly all of my masters in combat by the time I was ten. 

When my Nectar ceremony arrived... you know what happened. It was my father. It was my own father who switched out my chances of becoming a true and pure warrior with a well-deserved green cloak on my shoulders by changing my vial into Bile. And yes, it was me who was always untrusting and suspicious of my companions on the journeys across Erdas to find the talismans. But, what do you know, those companions were much better people than me. So much better that, in fact, they nearly gave their lives bringing me back to the Greencloaks and defeating the enemy that had possessed me.

The war was over. But the trouble was not. Zerif, that lying jackal, became possessed with, not the snake that had possessed me, but with a dark and extremely powerful force that used him to steal back all of the Great Beasts that were returning. Now, I had been in Zhong, helping my city rebuild. I still regret it. If I had been there, I would have been chosen on the first quest to retrieve the returned Kovo, not Conor, not anyone else. I might have been faster, and I might have been there to stop Zerif from stealing someone from our ranks. But that's history.

If you asked me now, I think I would say that the weeks underground, hunting for the Wyrm with our oldest enemy of a Great Beast, was harder than the Second Devourer War. At the time, it felt like it was up to me to defeat the egg-hatched Wyrm and survive the tunnels, all the while keeping Conor safe from the thing inside of him. I have Xanthe and Takoda to thank. Yes, I had many quarrels and heartbreaks with them while being protective of my infected friend, but it was them in the end that saved our lives and navigated our path.

And of course, the last trouble that's been befalling us. The Oathbound. Now, I have few turmoils about them after reconciling with Song and forgiving each other for our narrow-mindedness, but it doesn't change the fact that we all sacrificed a lot during those times. In fact, that was when our bond tokens came into view... now I'm more inseparable from Jhi than ever, as well as my other friends who I couldn't live without anymore. So I think there's not much left to hate from that time.

I'm stubborn. Period. And possessive. It might sound stupid that I'll get angry when I don't get my way, but it's mostly because my way is actually... the right way. Ask Jhi. Why wouldn't you trust the judgement of one of the wisest Great Beasts ever?

Also, so you can see how my roleplay works out, here's my thoughts of the other cult members.

Shadow: She's actually turned from a rarely-heard name in history into one of my closest Redcloak friends. In fact, she might just be my best friend after the other Four Fallen. After coming back from the brink of death, she's turned more protective of her *cough* husband Worthy and she spends pretty much all her time in Greenhaven. I mean, who wouldn't? (spare the fact that the kitchen is never clean thanks to Rollan)

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