Chapter 7

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Annabeth POV

I was simply frozen for a few moments as I stared at Percy's bleeding arm. I didn't mean to stab him; he just moved his arm in the way.

Almost like he did it on purpose, but why would he do that.

Suddenly, several individuals came forward to help Percy. I went forward as well.

"Oh my god, Percy, are you okay?" I asked.

I felt the thickness in my throat as I stared at Percy's arm. He groaned slightly, but I could tell that his body was used to pain. Injuries and bleeding were a part of the job.

"I think that I'm fine, but my arm hurts and I'm bleeding," Percy said.

"All right, how about we get you to the clinic," Agent Frank said. "Recruits please make room, and let us go."

"Agent Zhang, I will come with you," I said firmly.

Frank simply nodded as we made our way to the infirmary. Percy was quiet, and he didn't seem that affected by the stab wound. Or, he could be in shock.

"Are you really okay?" I asked as I held pressure on his arm.

The knife was still sticking into his arm, but it was crucial to not remove it. You shouldn't remove a penetrating object because it could be stopping the bleed. I tightly held the cloth to his arm to stop the excess blood.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I feel like this body is used to pain," Percy said softly.

We were quickly walking towards the east wing of the building. The clinic (where Dr. Solace was waiting already) was situated on the opposite side of the training facility.

In my opinion, this was a design flaw for the otherwise extraordinary Lake Valor headquarters.

Yeah, Percy probably was used to pain. 

It was evident that Percy was probably tortured by BlodgeHarm during his captivity. After all, he had injuries all over his body when we found him.

As such, his mandated therapy would start this week.

"You're going to be okay, Percy. This is pretty superficial," I said.

Percy chuckled. "Are you saying that because you stabbed me?"

"Actually, this was your fault. We performed that drill a dozen times, and you moved when you weren't supposed to," I said firmly.

I guess that I was a little angry at him.
Percy sighed as he kept his head forward. His expressions were unreadable.

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