Chapter 18

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Annabeth POV

I stared at the terrorist leader through the window of the interrogation cell. He was sitting in a relaxed posture. He was confident that no one at Lake Valor could harm him. After all, Lake Valor was pretty much in the grip of WiCKeD. 

Atlas had an irritating smile on his face as his hands rested easily on the table that he was sitting behind. 

"So, who's going to question the bastard?" Agent Clarisse asked sternly. 

I could tell that she wanted to. Clarisse seemed ready to pulverize Atlas for everything that he had done to Charles Beckendorf. Honestly, I was on her side. 

"Um, I actually believe that Agent Jackson should go in there," Hazel said confidently. 

Percy nodded in agreement as everyone's attention turned towards Hazel and Percy. He was the best person to interrogate Atlas. He knew the most about WiCKeD and its leaders. 

Of course, Percy had memory loss, so everyone else didn't think so. 

"Dr. Levesque, Agent Jackson has memory loss. He doesn't really remember the entire scenario with WiCKeD, BlodgeHarm, Kronos, and/or Atlas," Chiron expressed. 

Hazel tensed at Chiron's logic to which other teammates agreed. 

Percy sighed quietly beside me. 

"Director Chiron, Atlas is clearly hesitant of Percy, though. We noticed it in the mission, and we should use that to our advantage," I said firmly. 

"If it will help for the mission, I'm willing to try," Percy said to everyone. 

Everyone seemed to think it over. Percy's and my gaze stayed on Chiron as he analyzed the situation. I really wished that we'd tell Chiron about Percy's secret soon. 

"All right, but we'll give you an earpiece. Also, the mic system will be turned on so that we can hear everything you all are discussing," Chiron said firmly. 

I expected as much. This was pretty standard procedure. 

However, I already had a plan (that included Leo) to get Percy the private conversation that he wanted with Atlas. 

My phone was in my hand tightly. 

I had been secretly texting Leo for the past few minutes. Leo was ready to hack and disconnect the mic system and earpiece. As such, Percy would have (at most) a few minutes to have a private talk with Atlas.

Percy would somehow have to convince Atlas to talk in that short time. 

Percy took the earpiece and placed it in his ear. he sucked in a deep breath before walking over to the interrogation cell's door. He paused and shared a look with me. 

I nodded at him discretely before he confidently stepped into the cell. 

I watched as Atlas's cocky smile faltered for a moment before settling again. Percy approached Atlas's seat to which the terrorist was restrained. Percy purposefully situated himself with his back to the window. We wouldn't be able to see his face. 

He gave a slight hand gesture, and I sent the text to Leo. 

In a second, the audio disconnected and a static entered the room's speaker system. 

"Wait, what's going on?" Clarisse snapped. 

"I don't know," Hazel said even though she did have an idea of what's happening. "Should we call Percy back?" 

"No, they already seem to be in the conversation. Besides, the earpiece is also disconnected for some unknown reason," Chiron said calmly. Poor Chiron probably thought that the traitors at Lake Valor were doing something. 

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