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"MI-JA," VINH SAID, A smile having appeared on his face as he stepped forward," I'm sorry about earlier, but I'm sure you understand."

Will was already by Mia's side before Vinh could say anything more, inspecting her for injuries, before letting out a relieved sigh once he saw she was fine. His hand reached for hers, but he stopped himself in time, fingers grazing before he pulled back.

"Are you alright?" he asked, worry coloring his voice.

Mia replied to him first, gaze flicking to his hand before she nodded, a faint blush on her cheeks.

"I am," she reassured him," I'm sorry for shouting and worrying you, I was just..." She breathed out, shaking her head. "Surprised."

"Mi-Ja," Vinh said, pushing past Will with his shoulder as he took her hands in his," I didn't mean to scare you, I just thought it the quickest way to get you away from these criminals."

"Manners, Vinh," Mia said, normally gentle voice tinged with a sharpness which made Vinh flinch," these are my friends."

Ella had expected him to protest or snarl, but instead he stared up at Mia with wide eyes, like he was waiting for her forgiveness. It was weird on him, the vulnerability, not suiting the pride that he was wearing underneath his designer clothes. She hesitated for just a second, before flashing him a smile which didn't seem to come from the heart at all.

"It's fine, by the way," she said," earlier, I mean. I'm sure you meant well, but I'd rather have you communicate with me next time. I thought I was being kidnapped for a moment."

Vinh's face brightened as he nodded, squeezing her hand. "I knew you would understand."

Will stared at her, but he didn't say anything, probably not feeling like it was his place to. Elisabeth however shook her head, voice clear.

"Hell no," she said, stepping in between," you're too sweet to him, Mia. At least insult him for a couple of minutes for scaring you."

"This is not your business," Vinh scowled at her," and I see you haven't changed at all, Elisabeth. I already pity the guy who ends up with you."

Mia parted her lips to say something, but Alex already had grabbed Vinh by the back of his hair, pulling back hard on it as he stood still beside him. He raised an eyebrow, his smile promising no good as Vinh stared up at him with wide eyes.

"Apologize to her right now," he said warmly.

"It's fine, Alex," Elisabeth reassured him, hands gently on his cheek as she beamed up at him," there's no need to become angry, I'm fine."

Ella had expected Alex to smash Vinh's head against the floor just for good measure, but surprisingly he did let him go. Elisabeth squeezed Alex' cheeks, laughing as he frowned at her in surprise, before smoothing out the crease caused by his frown with her thumb.

"You'll get wrinkles if you frown too much," she said.

"Jokes on you, I plan on dying young," Alex said matter-of-factly.

Levi absentmindedly touched his own constant frown then and Ella nodded solemnly at him.

"I can see you've been hanging with the wrong crowd, Elisabeth," Vinh sighed, shaking his head.

"Speaking of close friends," Elisabeth said, holding up her phone," I texted Reyan when I heard what had happened. He's on his way."

Vinh paled so quickly it looked like he was going to faint, taking a step back as Mia's face brightened immediately.

"Rei is coming?" she said fondly," I haven't seen him in a while."

"Who's Reyan?" Alex inquired.

Before Elisabeth could reply Vinh was already gesturing for Mia to come along, turning around to leave.

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now