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WHEN LEVI WOKE UP, he was surrounded by white walls and the strong scent of disinfectant. He moved to push himself up in the bed he was lying in, only to wince at the pang of pain shooting through his head. He looked down at the clean blankets around him, only to notice his friends sleeping on either side. What the fuck was he doing here? This was clearly a hospital, but how had he gotten here? The last thing he remembered he was bringing Eleanora home and then -

"We'll be taking your precious girlfriend along for a ride," echoed through his head then," don't forget to tell Vince we want our money back."

Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck — The panic coursed through him like fire in his veins as he got out of bed, waking Alex and Will at once. He didn't have time to focus on them though, moving quickly as he tried to find his shoes and leave. Eleanora. He needed to find Eleanora. What if they had hurt her? There was no way he'd ever be able to forgive himself.

"Levi, what are you doing?" Alex asked, blinking the fatigue in front of his eyes away," stop moving so much, you're going to open your wound."

"What is going on, Levi?" Will said, getting up from his chair," who ambushed you? Sebastian found you outside, where is El?"

"I need to go," Levi said, his head pounding as he put his shoes on," I need to find her."

"Levi?" Alex asked, alarmed now," calm down for a moment, tell us what happened."

"Eleanora, she -" Levi began, but it was difficult to form the words when all that burned on his tongue was guilt.

"What about my sister?"

Sebastian was standing in the doorway, a platter of food in his hands, hair messy. Obviously Alex and Will weren't the only ones who had slept here, but at the mention of Eleanora Sebastian's smile had immediately fallen, a frown creasing his forehead. Despite all of it the only thing Levi could think of was them taking Eleanora away, the scene replaying in his head like his own personal hell.

"They took her," he breathed out," they smashed a brick against my head and told me my father owed them money."

"Are you for real?" Alex blinked.

"O my God," Will whispered.

"What the fuck, man?" Sebastian yelled, the platter falling on the floor as he grabbed Levi's collar," you lost my little sister?"

"Sebastian," Will intervened, trying to keep the two apart," please calm down."

"I understand your anger," Alex said," but shit, what did you expect him to do once someone hit him in the head with a brick? I doubt he was lying in a pool of his own blood for no reason."

Sebastian parted his lips, different emotions whirling in his eyes, like he couldn't speak without hurting himself, like the air in his lungs was the price he had to pay for failing his own expectations. He let Levi go, slowly, his shoulders hanging as he took a step back. There was no need for him to apologize, Levi understood. If anyone told him they had lost Eleanora all his rationality would be gone too, but him focusing on that didn't help her at all. Now was the time to think about how he could find her.

Oh, he was going to kill those guys.

"Was there anything on me?" he said, glancing at Sebastian," when you found me?"

"Yeah," Sebastian said, fishing something out of his pocket," this random Post-It note with a number on it. How'd you know?"

"They want their money back," Levi said, taking the note," for that they'd need to give me a way to contact them."

He searched for his phone in his pockets, before finding it on the bedside table. No one interrupted him when he started calling, the phone ringing in tune with his heartbeat. Someone picked up, the silence pressing for a moment before Levi heard a soft chuckle.

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