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AT FIRST ELLA HAD thought she had heard him wrong, but of course she hadn't. The last time she had heard Sebastian say something sensible was approximately ten years ago, when he had decided he wasn't going to run away from home to pursue a career as a young DJ. That decision had mostly been made for him however, because their mother had heard him and her smile alone had been terrifying enough as she told him he should just try it. Suffice to say, he didn't.

On some level she wasn't surprised by what he had said though. She knew he had been in love with Faiza ever since they had met, even if he for some reason never had thought him good enough for her. He always had kept that distance, to protect his heart, but now they were together she had to admit he was happier than she had ever seen him. There was something calm in him which she brought out, which was a feat on it's own, seeing as for a long time no one had thought Sebastian even had some semblance of quiet in him.

"You've only been dating for a couple of months," Ella said," are you sure, Seb? You shouldn't hurry in things like this."

"You're being nice about it," Sebastian frowned at her," I expected you to shout at me that I was crazy, I had already prepared a whole speech in response yesterday in the mirror."

"I was about to get to that part," she said," so get that speech of yours ready."

"There's the Ella I know," Sebastian grinned," and here I was thinking falling in love had softened you."

"Have you seen the guy I like?" she said, raising an eyebrow," I sometimes wonder if he has a conscience underneath that adorable robot mask of his."

"You have strange preferences," Sebastian said," my girlfriend is a goddess straight from the heavens, so I will not question my blessings. I know what I want and that's her. Why should I wait when I know these feelings won't change?"

"You're twenty," Ella said.

"Romeo and Juliet were like fifteen or something," Sebastian said," everyone adores their love story."

"They both die at the end, don't take that as an example."


"No, you're just illiterate."

"What are you two talking about?"

Will popped out in between them, an innocent smile on his face. Somewhere along the way both her and Sebastian had upped their pace until they were almost at the front, both of them too competitive to slow down, but Will easily kept up as they passed the people at the head of the group. Alex had been there first, but he had been tackled by Levi, the both of them now running around as Levi cursed at him.

"Of all things lavender?" Levi shouted," I hate lavender!"

"So does everyone," Alex yelled back as he jumped across one of the logs he had dragged to the field," you're not special!"

"What point are you even trying to make?" Levi exclaimed.

"I am not trying to make any point, I just like talking!"

Ella chuckled, glancing at Will. "We were talking about how Seb doesn't think anything through, but that seems to be a recurring theme with the people in this school."

"Thinking things through is for boring people," Sebastian huffed," I will simply do whatever thought comes up in my mind and enjoy life."

"I think it's fine as long as it makes you happy," Will beamed.

Sebastian's eyes widened, looking touched as he placed a hand on his heart.

"See!" he exclaimed," Will gets it."

Sinful (WICKED #2) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now