Chapter 1: Activation

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"I'm really sorry Ben! I'm sorry!" Zoe ran after me as I darted through the hallways. Just in a few day I had totally messed my relationship up with Zoe. Zoe had pretty green eyes, was combat in karate and ...had betrayed me. I just realised that Zoe liked me a few months ago and I had foolishly not noticed until my best friend Mike, who also joined me on a few spy school adventures spilled the beans. A few days ago after I finished my mission up with Croatan, Zoe completely changed. I had just defeated SPYDER an evil organisation that had repeatedly tried to kill me and take down the CIA when Croatan a new evil organisation bumped in. After trying to decode the message of something George Washington wrote us, we finally finished the mission. But after meeting SPYDER, I doubted they would just give up. 

The main cause for the mission was mostly because of me. Croatan knew they had to get rid of me, so they blackmailed my biggest weakness, Erica. Erica Hale was my biggest crush in Spy school, or in the world. She was gorgeous with blue eyes and dark hair and was the top student in Spy school and frankly, if she wasn't there for the last mission with Croatan and all the others, I probably would have been killed one hundred times over. She had just saved my butt yesterday in Archery Class yesterday, Chip and Jawa my other two friends in Spy school who also were with me on a few missions were chasing me shooting paper arrows at me. Erica simply snatched the arrows from mid air and threw them 10 times harder back to Chip and Jawa, sending them to the Emergency room.( I didn't want to send them to the emergency room, but I was still super thankful to Erica, who just mumble no problem.) 

They blackmailed Erica to kill me. And Zoe thought Erica really wanted to kill me because she joined to the evil side. And that was the main reason why Zoe was desperately chasing after me trying apologise. 

"Ben! Wait up!" Zoe called, but I continued to ignore her like she didn't exist. Zoe chased after me through the halls while I ran ahead but running couldn't compare to Zoe. She was faster and more athletic than me so she easily chased up to me. 

"Ben I just wanted to apologise for what I did," Zoe panted. 

"Zoe, I did like you for a while but that's over now, I'm through with you," I said mustering the toughest glare I could. 

"You manipulate me to get the DADD spot and you never really trusted me and Erica!" I yelled back. 

"I do trust you just not Erica! She's called Ice Queen for a reason! She's mean and tough, sure she's pretty but how many times had she manipulated you? You're just blindfolded," she said angrily. I was about to argue back that she was the one that saved my bacon last time when a voice spoke.


"Who did you just call blindfold?" Erica spoke behind Zoe. Zoe yelped apparently afraid of Erica, but willing to badmouth her behind her back. As usually Erica's voice was calm snd smooth and even though I saw her coming this way, her presence still shocked me a bit like always. 

"No one, I wasn't even speaking to you," Zoe spoke not looking at her but apparently terrified. 

Erica was about to give a good punch in her neck when I suddenly ran over to stop her. Sure it was nice to see both of my crushes fighting over me, I still didn't want any of them get hurt. 

"Guys, guys, it's okay," I said rushing between them. Erica almost looked disappointed that she didn't get to throw a punch at Zoe, but still listened to me. 

"Well, I'll get going then, hurry up Ben," Erica spoke and then left the hallways sinking into the shadows, disappearing. I was curious, why did she suddenly just abruptly leave? 

"See how rude she is? Just suddenly leaving?" Zoe asked me giving me a hard stare. But my mind was drifting off somewhere else...Erica never just came for to help people out. She came for a reason. I suddenly felt something rough in my pocket. I was desperate to take it out and see what it was, but just not in-front of Zoe, I couldn't trust her. I quickly mumbled something to her and then left. 

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