Chapter 8: Camel Chase

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THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW MANY VIEWS WE HAVE! I thought I would only have a few views, but nope a freaking 400 views, thank you guys so much for your support!!! Anyways, into the story...

I knew we only had a few minutes before Joshua called backup, and we were dead, and so we had to run even faster than we usually did. Catherine and Erica were in the front while Alexander and I were in the back. Although Alexander was already panting and gasping while I was doing alright, I certainly would like a break.

"Where's the helicopter?" Erica barked at Alexander.

"Um, well, I-" Alexander was cut off from Erica.

"Answer, dad, or I'll rip off your arms!" Erica threatened. Guessing that Alexander liked having his arms attached, he responded.

"Um, I may have left them back in the gates of Giza, so we might not be able to use that now," Alexander said sheepishly. Erica growled with frustration.

"We have no transportation then! Croder will be caught up to us in a second!" Erica said, exasperated.

"Maybe not," I said with a grin. Erica looked up.

"Keep on talking," Erica said.

"See that camel over there? That lady looks like they are attacking her," I said.

"Ben, we're not supposed to interfere with small crimes," Erica said.

"Yeah, but maybe if we help her out, then she'll lend us her camel. It looks like her baby son is on the camel, and she's defending him from the human traffickers," I pointed out.

There were two people in suits trying to strangle the baby from the mother. I knew the SPYDER agents would catch up soon, and we needed that camel, so Erica agreed.

Erica ran over and then grabbed one of the thug's hands. She twisted his wrist and then judo flipped him over; Erica quickly did a two-hand rear spring to avoid being hit. A crowd had gathered around now. Catherine joined the fight, and the two of them, like pros, beat them up. Catherine did a twisted backflip and then kicked one of them in the face. A thug tried to grab the baby and run, but before he could even move another finger, Erica did a double karate kick in their stomach and whipped out her ninja stars. They struck on their face, and both of the thugs collapsed. The crowd was whooping and clapping at their performance. Erica ignored them.

"Thank you for saving my baby and Bethany!" The women cried.

"Bethany?" I asked, confused.

"Oh, I just named my camel Bethany here," she said with a laugh, and I noticed she looked...a bit familiar, but I couldn't lay my finger on where.

"How can I repay you?" She asked kindly. Before I could nicely ask for the camel, Erica rudely interrupted.

"We need the camel," she said and then whipped onto Bethany.

"Get on; we don't have a lot of time," Erica said to me. I gave her an apologetic look and then climbed aboard it. Mike and Catherine also quickly climbed up.

"I'll return it when we're done!" I said and then yelped as Erica put her hand on my mouth and then whipped the camel to run.

"Erica, do you properly know how to ride a camel, sweetheart?" Catherine asked.

"No, but I know how to ride a horse, a tiger, and a giraffe, and a bunch of other animals, but I don't think I thought of camels yet. But I figured they're the same," Erica said. The camel had two bumps on it, so Erica sat on the neck. I sat between a hump, Mike sat between another one, and Catherine and Alexander sat at the very back.

"Move it, you dead mutt," Erica grumbled, trying to make it move. Finally, it did move. The SPYDER agents were catching up...on their camel.

"The camel Olympics!" Mike whooped, "Who will win!"

"I'm trying to focus on making this mutt move, so shut up, or I'll rip your kneecaps off," Erica threatened, and Mike stopped whooping. Erica tried to make the camel run, but it was a camel, and you couldn't expect much from it. People were staring at us; sure, I guess they sometimes see camels walking down the street but never read two racing camels at the same time.

"Mom!" Erica yelled.

"Yes, honey?" Catherine yelled back.

"Can you shoot the other camel, they're shooting this camel, and the camel isn't running anymore!" Erica yelled.

"Sure," Catherine said and whipped out a gun. Catherine calmly used rope to attach a camel hump to her. After she was sure it was secure, she turned around and then started to shoot the other camel.

"Erica, honey! Hurry up!" Catherine shouted. "I don't have a lot of bullets left!"

"Yes, mom!" Erica yelled back and furiously tried to make the camel faster. Erica continued to try to make it more quickly; the camel wasn't moving too much.

Suddenly the camel stopped.

"What are you doing?" Erica screamed at the camel. The camel ignored her and didn't move. I had no idea what was going on until the camel pooped. A considerable drop of brown poor splattered the road. The shiny black ground turned brown. After finally finishing pooping seven brown dots of poops, the camel moved forward. Not quickly, but it moved at most minuscule. Unfortunately for us, Croder had caught up while Bethany was pooping. Unfortunately for Croder, they didn't see the poop and directly stepped in it. The poop splattered on the camel...and on the Croder agents like a car that had splashed in a puddle of dirty water. The camel made out a horrible sound- like a horse neighing and a sick dragon roaring at the same time. Croder's camel didn't move.

We took that advantage to get the camel moving, and we were far ahead of them pretty quickly. But after a bit, Croder's camel continued to walk. I got seriously annoyed. This was never going to end. Catherine had used up all her bullets and was throwing grenades at them. They did work. The grenades exploded, and several times, Croder's camel nearly collapsed in exasperation. Our camel wasn't doing so hot either; it was wheezing and barely running. An idea suddenly hit me.

"Erica, what if we stop trying to speed up and try to make them slow down?" I asked. Erica paused for half a second.

"Keep on talking," she said.

"What if we used a gun to hit a lamppost? I don't think camels know how to step over things, or if they do, it might block them for a while. That lamppost looks heavy and thick," I said, pointing to the black lamppost that looks like it weighs more than 100 pounds.

Without responding to me, Erica used her gun and then shot the lamppost. It cracked and fell, blocking the camel's path. Croder's camel neighed again. Croder agent yelled at us, angry. During this time, we ran off the camel, shoving it to the side.

"On the count of one, jump," Erica said.

"Don't you mean the count of three-" Mike started to say.

"One, jump!" Erica yelled, and we jumped onto a car that was speeding down the road. Like a cartoon show, a Croder agent shook his fist at us, and I laughed as we ran down the road. 

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