19. How to Rot in a Glorified Cell

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Well, this was definitely an improvement

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Well, this was definitely an improvement. Kind of.

The good news is, this room is far better than the cell I was in earlier. For one, there was a proper bed - a rather large bed, as a matter of fact, and I had it all to myself. It was quite comfortable, as well. Secondly, there's a bathroom - a private bathroom, where I could go in peace without any awkwardness whatsoever. There was a mirror in there, too. A glass one. I filed the information away for later, wondering if I'd ever need an excuse to break the mirror.

In the main room, besides the bed, there's a wooden table and two plush armchairs in front of an empty bookshelf. There's a desk, but that, too, is empty. The windows are reinforced with what I assume is plexiglass - meaning much, much more force is required to break them. It's just as well, anyways. I promised not to escape, and I'd keep my word - for now.

All in all, it's quite the upgrade. It was even better than the bedroom I'd had growing up. I could only hope that the Alpha kept his word and gave Opal better living conditions as well. Unfortunately, I'm not allowed to visit her.

I'm not allowed to leave the room at all.

I discovered this the first day I was here. After a few hours of being inside, lying on the plush, comfortable bed, I'd begun to get a little stir crazy. I had been staring out the window, noticing how warm it seemed, and felt the sudden desire to go outside. I wanted to relish in the October weather. I wanted to breathe air that didn't come through a vent. I wanted to hear something that wasn't muffled by walls or fabrics.

So, I did what any rational person would do. I waltzed over to the door, expecting there to be a guard or two standing outside of it. I planned on telling them that I was going to go outside, no matter what, and their Alpha could go on right ahead and throw a hissy fit if he didn't like it. I had an entire negotiation mapped out in my head, the words ready on my tongue.

I do love a good negotiation.

What I didn't expect was for the door to be locked.

Jiggling the doorknob excessively didn't help. I tried for a grand total of seven-and-a-half minutes before the door shook with rattling force as somebody pounded their first - I hoped it was their fist - against it.

"Quit it, Hunter!" a voice snarled from the other side. Ah. So there were guards there, though they weren't there to keep me inside. No, they were there to stop me if I managed to pick the lock or somehow managed to gain super-strength and broke the window. The Alpha wasn't taking any chances.

Sighing, I gave up, tossing myself into one of the armchairs, where I continued to spend the next several hours sitting in silence.

Sighing, I gave up, tossing myself into one of the armchairs, where I continued to spend the next several hours sitting in silence

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