03. How to Identify Werewolves

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That. Fucking. Dress.

I hate that hell-forsaken, goddamned dress!

It took twenty minutes to wrestle that cursed thing off of me.

Twenty. Fucking. Minutes.

It would have taken longer, but I gave up, slashed it open with my silver dagger, and threw it into the fire.

The dress is dead now. I killed it.

Say hi to my family for me, would you?

For good measure, I chucked my heels into the fire after the dress, watching them burn with a satisfied grin.

Immediately after doing that, I grabbed my running clothes from my bedroom, dumped my irritating brown contacts into their case, and had a long, hot shower to wash off any annoying makeup that happened to survive the night, my annoyance at Opal slowly boiling over. Though I was grateful for her bandaging up my vampire bite - thus saving me from a night of writhing in pain - I was angry at how she didn't think I was ready to face Ryker Marcel.

Unrightfully angry.

Subconsciously, I know she's only concerned. I know I'd be worried about her, if our roles were reversed. Then again, if she were me, she'd understand this from my perspective. She'd know why I'm so hell-bent on destroying the supernatural population in this city.

Being quick to anger has always been one of my more despised traits.

I shut off the shower after five minutes, deciding that whatever makeup remained was probably held onto my face by cement. I quickly changed into a pair of leggings and a sports bra, throwing a light sweater on top. I gave my unruly, soaking wet hair a quick brushing-through - I can't be bothered to dry it right now - and tossed it up into a ponytail. Glancing once in the mirror to make sure the bandage covering my bite was still holding strong, I slipped into my running shoes and left my bedroom.

Opal was still sitting at the kitchen table, idly tearing up the wrapper the bandage was in. She looked up when she saw me, but I ignored her - I'll talk to her when I get back from my run. Running always managed to calm me down.

I headed straight for the door to our apartment, but when I opened it, I jumped back with a startled gasp.

"Fucking hell!" I cursed.

"Nobody's fucking hell right now," said Kyle, Opal's husband, just now returning from work. He gave me a stern look. "At least, I hope nobody's been fucking hell," when nobody smiled, he glanced past me to his wife. "Opal?"

She sighed, brushing a few torn bits of paper into her hand to throw into the trash. He squinted at her, then turned back to me. "Reese?"

I brushed past him and went into the hallway, but not before I heard his confused, "Is it something I said?"

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