23. How to Have A Medical Emergency

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It took a moment for Rebecca's words to register

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It took a moment for Rebecca's words to register.

"What did you say?" I was certain I'd heard her wrong.

"I think you heard me." She raised an eyebrow. "So? Tell me."

Where did this come from? Maybe I'd hit my head harder than I thought. Maybe all the pain coursing through my body was affecting my brain.

I tried to sit up, my wounded shoulder screaming. Gently, Rebecca pushed on my other shoulder, forcing me to remain lying on the ground.

"Oh no, you don't." She remained on her knees, undoubtedly muddying her pants. "You're not moving from that spot until you give me some answers. Which of your parents was a magic-wielder?"

Or maybe nothing was wrong with me at all. Maybe she was the one who lost it. "I'm human," I said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

She wasn't going to let it go that easily. "You look human." Her hand still rested on my shoulder, ready to push me back down if I tried to get up again. "So does every other magic-wielder in the city."

If I close my eyes and ease off my breathing, do you think I could give off the illusion that I've passed out from the pain? Everything hurt, specifically my broken hand, my mangled shoulder, my whiplashed neck, and my possibly concussed head. My knee had started to ache, too. I didn't recall injuring it in my fight with Keith.

My plan only lasted few seconds. Rebecca poked me repeatedly in the face until I let out a groan of annoyance and protest and peeled my eyes back open.

"What?" I snapped. "Look, I'm human, my parents were human, and nobody in my family ever had magic! I'm tired, I'm most likely direly injured, and I'd like to get out of this cold, wet rain!"

She had the grace to look apologetic. "Sorry. I should probably - Luca?" She glanced over her shoulder - I strained to see past her, my neck screaming. The Beta was emerging from the building, returning from escorting Keith to see the Alpha. Though I didn't know the specifics, I was fairly certain that Elijah had ordered Keith to not kill me.

And what did the bastard try to do?

Well, I think my mangled, bloody, and bruised body told the story for me.

Luca jogged over to us, falling into a crouch next to Rebecca. I wanted to sit up even more. It was the esteemed Beta who pushed me back down this time.

"You're injured," he said, pointing out the obvious.

"Thanks," I growled. "I hadn't noticed."

"We need to bring her to the infirmary," he continued.

"You're quite observational today, aren't you?" I said before Rebecca could respond. Her lips turned up slightly at the corners. Luca shot me a sharp look, giving me a once-over.

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