Chapter 8: Harrison's Party

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Today is Harrison's party. There are more than 100 people coming to his party and there will be a lot going on.


Aaron's POV:

*I was sleeping and dreaming how I kiss Victoria*

*Victoria comes into the room*

*I just woke up*

Victoria: Is everything okay with you?

Me: Yeah why wouldn't it be?

Victoria: You were talking in your sleep and I heard you mention my name

*I just think to myself so fuck. What should I say?*

Victoria: Did you have a nightmare?

Me: Yes! A nightmare!

*My thoughts: I have to stop dreaming about her!*

Victoria: Are you okay?

Me: Yeah, totally fine!

*My thoughts: I am not in love with my best friend. I am not in love with my best friend. I am not..*

Victoria: You look good this morning!

*Victoria walked out of the room*

*My thoughts: Shit, I'm totally in love with my best friend*

I can't stop thinking about Victoria. She is just the best.  Luckily I am fit and can go to Harrison's party tonight. I want to go with Victoria. So of course with the crackheads but most of all I want to accompany Victoria to the party. I will ask her then. I'm afraid at the same time that she won't like me the way I like her. Furthermore, I will go there with a fancy suit. Hopefully I can impress Victoria with it. We arrived there at the party. I spent the evening with Victoria. It was really nice, but I was a lot jealous, but I was so happy too.  


*The Crackheads sat all together at the table and discussed today's party. How to get there, what to wear. *

Peeta: You know there's a costume party.

Louna: Oh yes, that will be awesome!

Marijetta: And what should I wear?

Victoria: I really don't have a plan.

Aaron: Victoria? Can I ask you something?

Victoria: Yes you can always ask me.

Aaron: Can I be your date? I would like to accompany you to the party.

*Victoria's thoughts: Omg he didn't really do that, omg I'm dying, he's really escorting me to the party. I think I'm dreaming*

Victoria: Yes, you are my date today.

Peeta, Marijetta and Louna say: Uuhhhh lalalaaaa

Louna: Do I hear wedding bells?

Aaron: Oh come shhh!

*Victoria and the others laugh. Marijetta, Peeta and Louna go into the room. Aaron and Victoria stay at the table*

Aaron: Victoria, what's your costume gonna be tonight?

Victoria: What's yours gonna be?

Aaron: I asked you first

Victoria: Hmm, I think I won't tell you.

Victoria whispers to Aaron: You'll just have to wait and see.

Aaron laughs and says: Classic.


Victoria's POV:

Ufff I am so excited to go to the party with Aaron. He wants to accompany me there. I am excited to see what is going to happen. I didn't know what to wear but Louna somehow gave me the idea. Not only that, but I'll just put on a nice dress with a face mask. Likewise, I hope Aaron likes that.   I drove the Crackhead's to the party, and we got there.   I was then with Aaron at the bar went to get a drink for us. Louna was sitting somewhere at the table and Marijetta met a pretty girl. I wondered why she wasn't with the guys. I sometimes have the feeling that she is a lesbian. But anyway, the main thing is that she is happy.

Then suddenly someone called my name. I turned around and couldn't believe who was standing there in front of me. It's Logan. Logan went to the same school with me and is like a brother to me. I am surprised that he is here too, I thought he is still in Switzerland.

Victoria: OMG Logan, what are you doing here? I haven't seen you for a long time.

Logan: I'm here at the party now, what else am I supposed to do haha. I emigrated to America, and now I live in Miami. So yes I had no motivation to go to Switzerland anymore. It's so boring there. I don't know what to do there. And how is it going with you.

Victoria: Everything is going well for me and a lot has already happened, I'll tell you about it another time when we meet alone.

Logan: Uuhhh so something is going on with someone?

Victoria: Yes I think so haha.

Logan: Uhh lala very good. You owe me an explanation haha and Vicky, I have to go now, because I saw someone that I think is damn beautiful. I'll see you later.

Victoria: Okay well see you later and good luck.

I can't believe he is here and lives here too. I am so happy. Not only that, but I feel like I'm living in a dream right now. Furthermore, I am so happy to see him again. Then Aaron came back with 2 delicious cocktails.

Aaron: You looks so beautiful. You're gonna have every guy here chasing you tonight.

Victoria: Maybe not every guy but definitely you.

Aaron then went to Peeta and talked to him about something. Then out of nowhere Harrison came and spoke to me.

Harrison: So Victoria, are you having a good night at my party?

*I'm thinking why he's talking to me *

Harrison: Am I boring you?

Victoria: Long day

Harrison: Let me make your day better.

*Harrison just kissed me and I thought to myself: What the hell*

Victoria: Get off me!

Harrison: Oh, come on. You know you want to, Victoria Perez.

Then came....

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