His lips moved slowly and softly against mine as his body was pressed on top of mine as my back was pressed into his mattress. My legs parted so his body could easily fit.

One forearm was pressed into the mattress to hold himself up while the other was hand was softly moving up and down my thigh.

His hips dug into mine and I could feel how painfully hard he was.

Truth be told, I missed Harry. I mean we have texted and called each other day but being with him, in his presence— it's everything.

I also missed his body pressed against mine. The way he made my heart hammer in my chest. The way I feel butterflies just from being in the same room as him.

The way we could just be together.

His hand moved to my waist, slipping under my shirt. He gripped onto my side and his skin touching mine with no barrier was sending my mind into a haze.

His lips trailed down my cheek to my neck making me part my mouth and involuntarily lean into his touch.

Everything is slow and sensual and turning me on so much more.

He placed kisses over my shirt as he continued to lean down before lifting my shirt over my stomach and leaving wet kisses against my skin. My muscles clenched beneath his touch giving me a familiar feeling of want, lust, and desire.

He sat up tugging my shirt over my head before taking off his own shirt. My eyes were glued to his chest and the pearl necklace along with his silver cross. He dipped back down to kiss me and the cool metal burned against my chest making me let out the softest moan.

He continued to kiss me while his hands reached behind my back causing me to arch into him as he undid the clasp of my bra. Throwing it off of me his head dipped down to my chest kissing between my boobs. He took my right nipple in his mouth before using his hand to pinch and tug at the other.

I was letting out soft whimpers and holding his head, running my fingers through his hair while he mercilessly used his mouth and hands against me.

"Please," I let out weakly.

"What do you want, Angel?"

I placed both of my hands on the sides of his face pulling his head to hover over mine.

"Hi, pretty," he said softly kissing my nose making me smile and giggle like a fucking teenager.

"Hi," I whispered using one of my hands to trace my fingers lightly over his face.

"Now, Angel," he said changing his tone from sweet to seductive in no time. His hands played at the hem of my sweatpants before dipping beneath my underwear but doesn't go further. "Use your words."

His eyes intensely stared into mine and I forgot what I was supposed to be using my words for.

His fingers never dipped past where the waistline of my underwear is, they just lightly traced my skin.

He wanted consent.

That's so fucking hot.

"Please, H, touch me."

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