Up in the Sky

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"Far away to a place where I'm free from this weight"- King Of The Clouds, Panic! At The Disco

Eliana's POV

An endless amount of fiery land spread underneath us as we flew over rocks and mountains. Smoke and hot air were emitting from everywhere, going up in the air and hitting us with full force. The bright orange magma that was running in between the rocks was glowing brightly lighting up the whole place with a soft, yellow glow.

The view would be terrifying if I ever found myself alone in here. But flying over this place, with Lucifer's hands holding me tightly against him while the only sounds I heard was the air whistling against my ears, the slight 'swoosh' sound that Lucifer's wings made, and his steady heartbeat, gave a certain glamour to this terror that was spreading endlessly underneath us.

My hands were resting against Lucifer's broad shoulders, my chest and stomach were glued to his because of his tight hold on my torso. His legs seemed to be in total control as he flew over the rocky mountains and dove back towards the ground, while mine just dangled around like fish out of water due to my lack of muscle control. 

Well, this is my first time flying, so who can blame me?

I didn't really know how much time has passed since we first came here but I also didn't care. At first, I was scared that I might fall and break every bone in my body as I desperately clung to Lucifer's body, clawing at him and telling him to put me down, but he assured me that nothing would happen to me, whispering in my ear that he would never let me go.

I sensed the double meaning in his words but I didn't comment on it.

After that, neither of us spoke. We just enjoyed the silence, the hot air hitting our faces and each other's touch as we looked beneath us, admiring the lands. I caught him numerous times staring at me as I looked around, and he wouldn't turn away once I would notice. His eyes would just glow when we made eye contact and warmth would fill my body.

I glanced at his large wings for the hundredth time, admiring their beauty as they were moving with such grace. Swift, slow moves. Shiny black feathers were gleaming and shaking slightly as the air blew in between them.

Now that I was more relaxed against Lucifer's body, I let go of his shoulder, knowing well that his grip on my waist would stay put, and I reached over his back. Full of curiosity and eagerness, my fingertips softly touched the main bone that was holding the wings together, stroking it.

Lucifer tensed for a split second and his right wing flexed, making us sway a little to the left. I immediately retreated my hand and gripped his shoulder tightly, digging my nails on the fabric of his shirt as I screeched in fear of falling. But Lucifer steadied us before I could even think about it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you" I glanced up at his face and he instantly looked down at me. The air was blowing on the back of my head, my hair flying all over the place, but never breaking our eye contact. He slightly smirked at me as he glanced in front of us again, as we flew over a lake of magma.

"It's fine. You can touch them if you want" He said simply, as I admired his face that looked impeccable even from this unflattering angle.

I looked back at his wings that moved graciously and extended my hand, palming the soft feathers. It was as if I was touching silk, so smooth and velvety.

I always wanted wings. My biggest dream was to have wings and be able to fly above the cities and the clouds. Be able to feel the wind brush over your face and to inhale the fresh air as you watch the lives of multiple people unfold underneath you.

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