Face the Consequences

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"A beating heart of stone"- Natural, Imagine Dragons

Eliana's POV

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Slap.

His head turned to the right from the force of the slap as I was seething and fuming in front of him. I was angrily looking up at him, studying him, and secretly trying to listen to his thoughts.

I figured that his body was still weak so I don't think he picked up on my mind-reading. I could hear some words but his mind was messy, everything was incoherent.

His piercing red eyes found mine as he slowly turned his head back to me. He cracked his neck twice without ever breaking eye contact. His midnight-black wings were softly moving beside him with every movement he made, his naked sweat-clad chest was glistening underneath the moonlight, and his hair was messy and roughly pushed back.

However attractive he looked right at this moment, his lack of an answer was infuriating. And currently, I wasn't at the most mentally stable phase of my life.

"Are you fucking deaf? What the hell was that?" I shouted again while pointing with my finger at the sky, where the fight took place moments ago.

No answer. He just frowned down at me without giving any indication of what he was feeling or thinking.

"Answer me, dammit! You wake up after you've been in a fucking coma for weeks, and the first thing you do is attack my friend? We have already established that Dante is a good person and he means no harm!" I said and crossed my arms on my chest, never looking away from him. His jaw clenched and his eye twitched.

He turned away from me and with a slick movement of his back, pulled his wings back inside his body. I was impatiently waiting for an answer, a word, a grunt... anything really. The silence was frustrating in every possible way.

"How long have I been sleeping?" He questioned simply. His eyebrows were still furrowed while mine shot up in my forehead in seer surprise.

Is he for real? Isn't he going to answer me?

"Are you serious? Is that all you have to say?" Why the hell isn't he saying anything?

His eye twitched again and with my peripheral vision, I noticed his fists clenching, his knuckles turning white. What's wrong with him?

I almost felt bad for him and started worrying about him. But I couldn't push past what he did, not again. He has to start taking responsibility for his actions and he has to start giving some explanations.

"Lucifer! I-"

"He was attacking you, Eliana!" He burst angrily as he sharply turned to look at me, coming a little closer. "What was I supposed to do? Just let him hit you like that?" He was breathing heavily in front of me as he stepped even closer. His aroma hit me like a storm and my mind buzzed hazily.

"He wasn't attacking me, Lucifer! It's called training!" I shouted at him, taking one step closer to him, letting his intoxicating aura take over me completely. Gosh, I missed him so much...

"Well, how am I supposed to know?" He bit back, sneering down at me, his upper lip curling upwards.

He's right. How could he know? He was asleep for almost two weeks. After that night that I had returned to bed with him, he slept and slept and slept. His breathing and heartbeats were stable throughout the whole time, but I was constantly worrying about him, checking up on him multiple times a day.

Dante had said that he was too tired to wake up and that his body needed to heal from all the torture that he endured in that cage. But that never ceased my worries. I kept staying up at night, restlessly trying to get some sleep after endless hours of training, listening to his heartbeat. I came to crave it. At some point, I thought that I could never be able to sleep again without listening to his heartbeat and his soft breaths as he slept beside me.

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