Sin with me

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"Oh I might make you mine by the night."- Location, Khalid.

Warning! Mature content following !!!




Eliana's POV

I woke up in my bed, with an annoying headache and a huge hangover. Groaning slightly I buried my head in my pillow, smelling the scent of my shampoo and my own sweat.

Goodmorning sunshine, my subconscious spoke up.

How much did I drink last night?

Too much, she said.

How did I end up in my room? Who brought me here?

Probably Elliot, I thought to myself.

Groaning again I stretched my arms and legs, feeling sore. I felt my body aching badly. What the hell did I do last night? Run a marathon? Like five times?

Groaning again, I moved around my bed, trying to get comfortable when my toes touched something hard and hairy. I froze.

Is that a dog?

You don't have a dog, she said as a matter of fact.

I shrieked in horror and opened my eyes, looking around the dark room, my eyes adjusting to the darkness. I flipped on the bed so I was facing the ceiling and I noticed that this... wasn't my room.

As my eyes adjusted completely to the darkness, I looked around and I noticed that the walls were pitch black and huge black curtains stopped the sunlight from entering the room. The dark silhouettes of the furniture that were lying around in the room could be seen, though I couldn't make out the details. This room's theme seemed to be black, with only the ceiling being a creamy white.

As my eyes darted from one place to the other, I heard a soft noise from beside me.

Light snoring coming from the other side of the bed. With dread, I looked to my side to notice that someone was laying on their front, facing the other way, sleeping peacefully. In the very same bed as me. And that someone was a man. A damn big one.

Oh my God... Who is this? Where am I? What happened last night?

I tried to remember what might have happened but my memories faded away around the body shot with Blake. Damn you, Eli!

I watched his broad, naked back rising and falling, while he breathed and I couldn't help but admire his back muscles. His one hand was resting beside him and his other was wrapped around the pillow that he was laying on. His black hair looked messy like a hand went through it about a thousand times.

At least we have good taste, my subconscious jumped in.

I leaned towards him, careful not to wake him up. I still couldn't see his face and if I bent my body an inch more I would probably fall on him. So I leaned back on my side of the bed and looked down at my feet sticking out from the black sheets. I wiggled my toes, watching my black toenails move as I was trying to remember anything from last night, desperate to find out who the man lying beside me was.

I moved my hand to rub my eyes and I felt my wrist grazing my nipple. I froze and my hand stopped midway.

I looked down and there they were, my wonderful boobs standing there in all their naked glory. My eyes widened and my mouth fell open.

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