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"Wonder why, when we both got problems. "


The hall wasn't what I was expecting. In fact, it wasn't a hall at all; it looked more like an abandoned church. Blaring music boomed from inside, I could hear crowds of people shouting and laughing.

"Come on," Grace said, taking my hand. I let her lead me inside where most people took shots of alcohol. The rest were bouncing to the music, and some even jumped off pews.


This was a church.

I almost laughed at the irony. The church lights were shut off; instead, flashing neon lights were the only illumination. It sure was a party. Liam's party. I set my jaw just thinking about him.

"Let's get a drink!," Grace said, eyes bright. One of her friends was at her side, her expression matching Grace's.

I scratched the back of my head. "I don't know if that's such a good idea."

Grace and her friend rolled their eyes. "I'm getting you a drink," Grace stated, not allowing me a choice.

While they were away, my attention wandered off into the crowd. Instantly, I regretted doing so. I spotted Liam slouching on one of the pews. Daisy straddled him and trailed eager kisses down his neck. He stared ahead, mirroring an expression of sheer boredom, though, he gripped her waist.

His eyes roamed in my direction and he rose a brow, suddenly looking amused. Enjoying the show?, his face seemed to say. I immediately looked elsewhere, face burning.

Grace and her friend appeared with three glass shots of what I assumed was alcohol. Grace handed me one of the shots. I held it up and swished it around slightly. "What is it?," I asked, sniffing it.

"It's Vodka Lime!," Grace's friend exclaimed. She already looked tipsy.

Grace downed her shot, scrunched her eyes, and shook her head slightly. She coughed, "Sour."

Her friend giggled and downed her own shot. She didn't have much of a reaction. All she did was grin. I looked warily down at mine. Thinking of Liam and how I would have to start tutoring him on Monday, I drank the bitter alcohol. To say it was strong was an understatement. It sent a fresh wave of dizziness over me. I grinned.

I handed my empty shot glass back to Grace. "Get me another one?"

The girls squealed excitedly. Me, not so much. I wanted to barf all over their shoes, but I wouldn't be able to stand the look on Grace's face if she thought I wasn't having fun. Before they could come back with another shot glass for me, I pushed my way through the boisterous crowd.

I glimpsed Grace's brother, Diego, dancing closely to a girl with impressive cleavage. I swerved to the right of the packed 'dance floor', successfully dodging him. I was not in the mood for a fight. Nor was I ever, if I was being honest.

Just when I spotted the bathrooms up ahead and almost made it out of the crowd, I tripped over something unexpected and I went tumbling to the floor, smashing my mouth on the ground. The music sounded dull from the floor, or was that the alcohol kicking in? I tasted warm copper and I instantly knew I split my lip.

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