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"And I need you to know that we're falling so fast."

                                   M I L E S

I was in love. The grapes my sister bought were worthy of the love I bestowed upon them.

Liam Coleman was here, too; in my room. As I ate my grapes, he was supposed to be revising his last physics exam. He failed it—likely from being distracted with Carl's daunting presence, but I told him there was room for improvement, which wasn't a lie. He knew the material, he just didn't know the proper way to review it.

Instead of reviewing it, however, he ate my grapes. Since the Christmas festival a week ago, Liam seemed to uphold his promise to me. He was...much more tolerable, although he never failed to make me aggravated. Maybe that would never change, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

"Lilia wants you to come over soon," Liam said, reaching for another grape. He ate it, then said, "She's under the impression that you're going to buy her a Christmas present."

We were both seated on the floor, legs touching. He made no move to shift away, neither did I.

"I am," I stated simply, before tossing a grape into my mouth.

Liam crossed his arms. "You don't have to, she shouldn't be asking you for things. She's a brat."

I elbowed him lightly and gave him an incredulous look. "She didn't ask me for anything, Liam. She's a sweet little girl, I'm the one who wants to buy her something."

He was wearing his red Raptors hoodie with black pants. On the sleeve, the word Captain was written in black lettering. He wore no rings on his fingers. Save for the simplistic golden chain around his neck, he wore no other jewelry.

"And if I decide to get you a Christmas present, would you object?," Liam asked, poking my arm.

There was a helpless fluttering in my stomach. His look of mischief had something to do with that, I was sure.

I shrugged, facing his humorous gaze, "Only if it's covered in gingerbread wrapping paper."

He snickered and nudged my leg with his, "Seriously? Since when have you been a fan of gingerbread wrapping paper?"

I rose my brows, "Seems like you have a lot of catching up to do, Coleman."

His ocean eyes flickered briefly towards my mouth, then my eyes again, "Seems I do," he admitted. Though, the affirmation sounded more like a challenge.

Before he could say anything more, I spoke. "Liam?"

He smiled slightly, but it didn't reach its entirety. "What is it, prince?"

Prince. I was a prince.

"I've always wanted to ask you, but I've never got around to," I began, toying with the pencil that was in my hand.

"Everything okay?," he asked, his tone was sharper, alert.

I shot my gaze back up to him. He was closer to me now. Attentive.

I laughed a little, "Yes, everything's fine. I just, um...," I trailed off, and took a breath. "Be honest," I demanded.

Liam plucked the pencil out of my hands gently and said, "This is about Jake, isn't it?" He set the pencil on the floor.

I bit my bottom lip and nodded, slightly embarrassed. I knew Liam never liked the Jake subject.

"It's okay," Liam said, in a softer voice. "You can ask."

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