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"From a standby to a frequent flyer."


The Friday morning air nipped at my skin and I shivered beneath my sweatshirt. Mr. Wicks had called me into school before first period began today. I hoped it didn't have anything to do with Liam. I didn't particularly feel like talking to him, because for a moment yesterday, I thought that because we'd been through so much together, he'd at least attempt to defend—

Defend? He'd never defend me, such a stupid, stupid thought to have about Liam Coleman.

As I sat at one of the desks up front of the empty physics classroom, waiting for Mr. Wicks to walk in, I was greeted with someone else instead. Just seeing his sculpted face made my stomach rattle, made me hold my breath. He wore his Ridgeview Baseball jacket and dark jeans. His eyes were rimmed with red, like he'd had a restless night.


"What are you doing here?," he asked, slumping down in one of the seats opposite me.

I shrugged, forcing my attention away from him. I focused on the carvings in the desk instead.

"Is the baby sad again?," Liam taunted. "Hmm?"

I was convinced that his greatest joy was poking at me.

Breathe. I couldn't control the relentless tapping of my right foot.

"Just shut up, Coleman," I whispered, still refusing to look at him. "Please, not today."

Before Liam could respond with something that'd surely irritate me, a short, stubby man waltzed into the classroom. Mr. Wicks.

"Good morning, boys!," Mr. Wicks sang. "Glad you could make it."

"Sir, if we could just make this little gathering quick, I'd appreciate it. I don't feel like wasting my time with Miles Medley anymore than I need to," Liam said from the desk beside me, leaning back in his chair.

I scowled. He was wasting his time?

"Well, boys," Mr. Wicks continued. "I understand that I've arranged a tutoring schedule for the both of you after school, but today, unfortunately, the school will not allow students to stay after hours due to maintenance, so you have to find a place to relocate to."

The old man smiled.

Liam and I, however, did not.

"I'm not going to his house," Liam growled.

I casted him a murderous glance. "Well there's no way in hell I'm going to yours."

Mr. Wicks was faced with a problem. He rubbed his temples. "How about you find some place public? A common ground."

Liam scoffed. "And be seen with him in public? Not interested."

I laughed bitterly, wishing that I could throttle him. "You weren't saying that with your scene at the smoothie shop the other day. If I'm not mistaken, that seemed fairly public."

Liam stood up and so did I. I could see it on his face, he was ready to throttle me too.

"Boys, sit down!," Mr Wicks said. "I have a solution."

Liam stood standing, eyes still locked on me.

"Since Mr. Medley has been so generous as to offer his aid to Mr. Coleman, I think it'd only be fair that Mr. Coleman open up his home for at least one day. To study, that is."

No. No. I hadn't been back to Liam's house since I was thirteen. So much had changed. Even now.

Liam fixed Mr. Wicks with a stormy expression. "No."

A Hater's Gamble (BxB)Where stories live. Discover now