Chapter 12

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As soon as I realized what that thing was, I pushed Grace behind me. I was just about to shift when I saw that the vampire had stopped. Not just stopped, he looked almost frozen. He had his hands up as if to claw the children, his fangs barred, eyes wide and legs clearly in a full run. I looked around to see if I was the only one seeing this, but the confused looks on the other wolves around me convinced me I wasn’t crazy.

“What the fuck?” Ah, Liam. My always tactful brother.

“What’s going on?” Someone else asked.

“Um…” I heard Grace speak up from behind me. I turned to look at her and her face reeked of concern and contrite.

“Grace, did you do that?”



“I’m a witch Owen. How many times do I need to explain that to you?”

“I had no idea you had that kind of power.” I looked down at her confused as the concern melted into annoyance.

“And I was hoping you would never need to know about it. Now, what should we do about Dracula over there? Because I haven’t used my powers in a long time and I’m not sure how long I can hold him.” Well, that was a great question. One I couldn’t really wrap my head around since it was still reeling from this realization about my sweet, cute, kind little mate who apparently is a total bad ass.

“Here” Grace said stepping towards the vampire. “I have an idea.” She walked to about five feet away from the vampire and waved her hand. The vampires head started to move, but the rest of his body stayed frozen.

“Who are you and what do you want?” Grace asked the vampire. Ah, an interrogation. That’s a great idea. I’m glad someone thought of it. Even if it should have been the currently completely useless Alpha.

“Let me go, witch!” The vampire spit at my mate.

“Tell me what you want, or I’ll blow your hand off.” Grace narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms on her chest. The vampire laughed at her.

“Such power could never come from such a tiny, pathetic witch!” Grace let him laugh for another moment before she flicked her wrist again and one of the vampire’s hands exploded into a bloody mess. Holy Shit. Did that really just happen? The vampire started screaming and his face contorted into a mask of pain.

“Now answer my fucking question or I will blow you limb from limb until there is nothing left.” Oh my God she’s terrifying. I’m so turned on right now.

“I am here to dispose of these disgusting dogs!” The vampire screamed at her.

“Who sent you?”

“I would never defy my master!” Grace flicked her wrist again and the vampire’s other hand exploded, just like the first one. I heard murmurs of “Oh my God”, “Holy shit” and “That’s so cool” from my pack mates behind me. The vampire screamed again.

“Stop! Please, stop! My master, his name is Gregory. He is formulating a coven to come dispose of these wretched creatures.” Grace smirked a little.

“Glad to see you’re learning your lesson. Now where is the nest located and how many vampires are there altogether? If you answer my questions, I may be inclined to take mercy on you and heal you.” The vampire’s eyes widened at the prospect of hope.

“The nest is one hundred and fifty miles north. There are nearly eighty vampires preparing to take on this pack. Now please, witch, please heal me.” Grace flicked her wrist again and one of the vampire’s feet disappeared into a cloud of blood and bone. The vampire screamed loudly again.

“One hundred and fifty miles north is not specific enough. And you’re running out of limbs, sweetheart. The more you make me blow up, the harder it will be to heal you. I won’t be able to guarantee results.” The vampire went into detail of how to find the nest, he gave us everything we needed to strike first before more could attempt an attack.

“I only have one more question…” Grace looked at him with a furrowed brow. “Why would you attempt an attack alone? You must have known there would be tons of werewolves around and you stood no chance.” The vampire smirked at her like the answer was obvious.

“I wanted to prove myself and kill every last one of these mutts with my bare hands. I didn’t expect them to have a witch like you!” Grace gave a sound of indignation and gave another flick of her wrist. The vampire’s scream was higher pitched than before, and he started to dry heave. I didn’t understand what she had done because his other foot was still there. And then I noticed the red stain on the front of jeans, growing and leaking down his legs.

“Did you just blow his dick off?” I asked my mate, my eyes wide in surprise as I cringed inwardly. That’s what you get, fucking bloodsucker.

“He called me a bitch!” Pointing at the vampire, she said it like a kid who was claiming the other kid started the fight first.

“Actually, love. He called you a witch.” She looked back apologetically at the vampire and shrugged her shoulders.

“Oops. My bad. Sorry.”

“Dude” Liam whispered from behind me. “You better not piss off your mate.” I turned to look at him and he had his hands placed protectively in front of his package. Grace waved her hand again and the vampire’s head froze.

“God, his screaming is so annoying. Do you want to cut off his head so you can burn the body? I think we got everything out of him we can.” Ha. We. Like I did anything.

“Liam, take care of that please.” I pointed towards the vampire while I walked up to Grace.

“That was amazing, love. Scary. But amazing.” She gave me a small smile and I pulled her in close to me, rubbing my hands on her upper arms in an attempt to soothe her. “Just promise me you won’t blow my dick off.” Her eyes got wide

“No, no I would never do that. I’ve never done that before. I’m surprised my aim was good enough to do it actually.” She laughed a little like she was proud of herself. I pulled her away from the sounds of the vampire being pulled apart and prepared for the bonfire.

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