Chapter 31

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"Damn it, Gavin! You've lived here for a month already. How many times do I have to tell you not to drink the last of my coffee creamer!?" I scream and Owen flinches at my high pitched tone.

"Sorry, baby." I mutter, kissing his cheek apologetically.

"You alright, love? You've been a little... sassy lately." He inquires with a worried frown. I shrug and stir some sugar into my coffee.

"I'm just... anxious. I don't know. I feel like something bad is going to happen." I say, averting my eyes. Owen sighs and pulls me into his chest, running his hands along my back.

"Why is that?" He asks and I shrug again.

"Because every time my life seems to be going well, something comes along to fuck it up." I say bitterly and Owen frowns as Gavin comes into the kitchen.

"Gracie baby. I did not drink that god awful coffee creamer. It was probably Owen and he just doesn't want to tell you because he knows it'll piss you off." Gavin says with a pointed glare at Owen. Owen growls at him a little and Gavin rolls his eyes, knowing Owen will never make good on his threats.

"I drink my coffee black." Owen says. "Like my soul." He adds and I snort out a laugh, choking a little on my coffee.

"Youre ridiculous." I say with a smile, pressing my lips to Owen's. He purrs at the touch, threading his fingers into my hair and rubbing my scalp. My eyes nearly roll to the back of my head at how good it feels.

"No. I'm just an adult. Adults drink their coffee black." He says and I huff at him.

"Only if you have no will to live left." I say and Owen huffs before scooping me into his arms and placing me on his lap.

He tries to feed me breakfast, but I bat his hand away not wanting to be treated like a princess. Gavin watches the exchange with a warm smile, but his eyes quickly swing to Liam who walks in with no shirt and a wide smug grin only for Gavin. Gavin groans a little at the sight of his mate and Owen huffs, standing and pulling me outside before we get a show we definitely did not buy a ticket to.

"We need our own house." Owen says as we do our morning walk around the pack. I laugh at his gruff words and give him a wide smile.

"Why? You're not happy with our living situation?" I ask and he scoffs.

"You'd think they would get tired. They go at it constantly. I mean, I enjoy a healthy sex life but surely they get sore at some point." He says exasperated and I smile up at him.

"They probably just switch positions if they do." Owen groans in disgust as his face crinkles making me laugh.

"Ok. Enough talking about my brother's sex life. What do you think? Our own house?" He asks and I shrug.

"I thought the pack house was meant for the Alpha and Beta?" I ask and he slips his hand into mine before looking at me with a mischevious grin.

"There are certain benefits of being Alpha. I make the rules." He says haughtily and I smile, shaking my head playfully at him.

"I don't care, Owen. Honestly. I'll live in a tree as long as it's with you. And has wifi. Wifi is a requirement." I say sternly and he chuckles before lifting our joined hands and kissing mine softly.

He stops in front of a cute little bungalow with a red door and porch swing, turning me towards it. He steps up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist and rests his chin on the top of my head.

"What do you think?" He asks.

"About what?"

"The house."

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