Chapter 24

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I was floating in a sea of comfortable darkness until a wave of freezing cold water came crashing over me, forcing me into consciousness. I opened my eyes slowly and took stock of my predicament. I was sitting in a chair, my hands and feet tied to it with silver ropes. Well, there goes any hope of shifting or mind linking. I look around the concrete room with nothing other than two vampires. I snarl at them both, but they only smirk in response.

"Not so tough now, are ya alpha?" He asks, smacking my cheek and I growl at him again. The silver was blocking my werewolf abilities and I started shivering from the cold water.

How fucking embarrassing.

"What do you want with me?" I growl out irritably. They continue to smirk at me with those disgusting fangs sticking out of their mouths.

"You're our new toy." Buttface says, making douche bag chuckle.

"And since you slept for almost a day, we have a lot of time to make up for." Douche bag says, pulling a silver blade from the back of his pants.

"No offense guys, but I don't really want anything that's been in your pants anywhere near me." I gruff out, trying to wiggle my wrists free.

Fuckers put these on tight.

"What the hell did you do to me?" I ask them. The last thing I remember was seeing Grace going towards an explosion. I took a step towards her and before I could move a searing pain started in my neck. Next thing I knew I was unconscious.

"We injected you with wolfsbane." Buttface says, obviously proud of himself. I roll my eyes at him and reach out to my bond with Grace. I can still feel her, she's fine. The realization makes me huff a breath in relief.

"Do your worst, assholes." I say with a shrug.

Buttface walks up to me and trails the silver blade down my arm, slicing me open but I refuse to cry out. I grit my teeth and close my eyes so I don't have to watch my blood spill down my arm. Douche bag sinks his teeth into my shoulder and I feel a stinging pain where his venom is injected. He pulls his fangs out and spits my blood out on the ground.

"He tastes fucking disgusting." Douche bag says and Buttface grunts in response.

"What did you expect a dog to taste like?" He  responds unamused.

They continue like this for what has to be hours, slicing me open, burning my flesh, injecting small amounts of wolfsbane to keep me weak, but not enough to give me the reprieve of passing out. Each time I come close they douse me with more freezing cold water, my body shaking so aggressively it physically hurts. They are slicing through my fingers, about to cut the tip off, when another vampire enters the room. They both stop immediately and bow to him.

"Gregory." Buttface says. The other one eyes me curiously.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask him, annoyed at how weak my voice is even though I have refused to scream this entire time. Gregory scoffs at my question before a sadistic smile spreads on his face.

"It's not often my boys get to play with an Alpha." He says, taking the blade and slicing it across my throat. "I think we'll keep you around until we can break you." He continues until his eyes flit to my neck. He grips my hair and forcefully pulls my head to the side, pulling the light closer to inspect it.

"You fucking idiots!" He hisses at the other two who look at him with a confused fear on their faces. "He's fucking mated! I told you to look for marks. Mates can feel where their other half is. It's only a matter of time until she leads them here!" He screams and the other vamps cower in obvious terror.

"We didn't know sir! We didn't know what a mark is, we thought it was a tattoo..." Douche bag stammers out.

"Yeah, plus they wouldn't really let a female come here anyway. They're too weak they'd be afraid that she'd get hurt. They'd never risk their Luna." Buttface tries to reason and I can't help but chuckle.

"What are you laughing at, mutt?" Gregory spits at me, pulling my face up to force me to look at him.

"The fact that you think my mate is weak. She could blow up your entire coven. Single handedly. She's incredible." I spit a lob of my blood at his feet and he sneers at me, hatred covering his face.

"What do you mean blow up?" He asks and I smile at him.

"She's a witch. A fucking powerful one at that." I say chuckling. All of the pain I've gone through the last few hours was well worth the look on his face when he heard that. What little color his pasty face had drained as his eyes widened in horror.

"That's bull shit. That doesn't happen. Wolves and witches are sworn enemies." He says, more to himself than to me.

"Yes, it's a very interesting love story. Very wrong side of the tracks. Romeo and Juliet bull shit, hopefully without the death at the end." I say non chalantly and Gregory snarls at me again.

"Kill the mongrel. Before his mate leads his entire fucking pack here." He spits at his comrades. I chuckle at him making his eyes narrow at me.

"You know." I muse. "If they were in my pack they'd at least be demoted. If not killed for their incompetence. Checking for a mark is a basic thing. I'm not sure they can be trusted with this task." I say with a note of humor in my voice. Gregory eyes the two men and they both hiss at me, balling their hands into fists waiting to strike.

Gregory sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in exasperation. He takes a few deep breaths, obviously mulling over my words.

"The mutt is right." He says eventually. "Neither of you can be trusted with such important work. I'll do it myself. After I take care of the two of you." He says darkly.

In the next moment he's gone. He moves faster than any vampire I've ever seen. Before I can blink both the vamps are on the ground, their heads detached from their bodies. I can't stop my mouth from gaping in astonishment, but quickly steel my expression when his murderous glare turns to me.

"Why don't you get me out of these ropes and take me on like a real man?" I taunt. He only laughs at me and my heart drops to my stomach when I realize he won't be fooled.

"I have no interest in dying today. I will dispose of you quickly and hopefully your bond severing will keep your mate from leading your pack to what's left of my coven." He spits, anger flaring in his eyes. "Maybe I'll even return the favor some day, find that mate of yours and send her to the afterlife to be with you." He says haughtily as he stalks towards me, the silver blade clutched in his gross, pasty hand. I growl at him, infuriated by the idea of him hurting my mate. I'd give anything to see that gross face separating from his lanky body.

I'll never understand how humans can find these skinny, pale, cold creatures attractive.

"Any last words, mutt?" He asks. Just as I open my mouth to respond, screaming comes from the other side of the door followed by loud blasts and growls. I smirk up at Gregory, who's standing staring at the door with pure horror on his face.

"Well, Gregory." I say with amusement. "I'd like to introduce you to my mate."

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