Missing Bride

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After Hicca was taken:

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After Hicca was taken:

All of the Hooligan tribe members were in the Meade hall, discussing of what had just happened. They couldn't believe that an unknown dragon appeared and took Hicca. Everyone was shocked to have seen such a rare dragon that was similar to a Night Fury.

"How is the possible?"

"I can't believe we saw a Night Fury!"

"That didn't look like a Night Fury to me."

"Who knows what it was."

"QUIET!!!" Stoick shouted.

Everyone stopped talking at Stoick's shout.

"Instead of focusing on what kind of dragon that took Hicca, we should focus on finding my daughter." Stoick declared.

"Chief, the odds of finding Hicca are very low since we don't know what direction that dragon went." Fishlegs stated.

Stoick turned towards Fishlegs who whimpered at his cold stare.

"Stoick, Fishlegs is right. You saw how that dragon just...disappeared." Gobber said, turning Stoick's attention towards him, "I'm regretting to say this but...Hicca is gone. I don't think that we'll be able to save her."

"We don't know that! Tomorrow we're heading out to find my daughter!" Stoick announced.


 A few months later:

There had been no signs of Hicca. The only people who believed that Hicca is still alive was Stoick and Asher.

At the moment, Asher was sitting with Stoick at his house. Sometimes Asher would come over and give Stoick some company as they try to figure out where to look for Hicca next. Unexpectedly, a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in!" Stoick called out.

The door opened and Gobber entered the room.

"Evening, Chief, Asher." Gobber greeted.

"Evening." Stoick and Asher greeted back.

"So what brings you here?" Stoick asked. 

"Stoick, we have searched the entire archipelago and haven't found Hicca. As much as it pains me to say it, I believe Hicca is dead." Gobber admitted, sadly.

 "I wish I could believe you, Gobber." Stoick said, "But my instincts are telling me that she's still alive."

"I agree with Stoick," Asher stood up from his seat, "I know deep down in my heart, Hicca is alive."

Gobber sighed. He didn't think that these two would be so stubborn about Hicca's survival. It was somewhat strange to see the two of them so worried about her. Over the years, they hardly showed that they cared about the girl. But for Gobber, Hicca was like a daughter he never had. He hoped that Hicca was resting in peace and reunited with her mother.

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