Fifty Three : Back To Me

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Thanks prashansachaurasia for mentioning our book in Suggested Readings. Check this book out if u guys wanna read good yizhan stories.



Wei Zhan, who snapped his eyes shut, now hesitantly flickered them open. His breath twitched when his vision captured the scene of Wen Rouhan lying on the floor dead, surrounded by a pool of blood.

All the gathered men were equally shocked by the scene. Wen Chao and Wen Xu watched their father's corpse with widened eyes. Wen Chao turned himself swiftly and grabbed Li XuanYu's collar, "You traitor, what have you done?"

"How dare you betray us!!" Wen Xu punched his face hard.

Everyone stood there like a dead log. Before another commotion, Officer Wang Kai along with a few officials grabbed hold of the three men and handcuffed them along with Su She.

In an instant Lan Yibo hurried towards Wei Zhan. His eyes glinted with tears as he gazed at the younger man. The last thing he wanted to see was his beloved in pain. There were millions of words his eyes spoke which could only be perceived by Wei Zhan. The warmth of his body met Zhan's cold skin, giving him hope like he always did. One of his hands clasped around his lower back, the other stroked his hair. With each soft touch tears streamed down.


Wei Zhan tried to curl his lips up into a faint smile. His sight began to blur, his breath shallow. I can't lose my consciousness. Not now. I can't miss the reunion. I'm strong.

"Y-Yibo..." Wei Zhan whispered, his voice hoarse. "I've been.....injected... with some strange....fluid."

"Hold on, Zhan. Just hang in there."

His words however, fell on deaf ears as Wei Zhan started to feel himself slip out of his consciousness.

And the world around him faded out to black.



Wei Zhan was immediately shifted into the ICU. Lan Yibo watched the doctors and nurses rushing into the room.

"Bo Di. Stay calm. I've called Dr. Nei Mingjiue and asked for Huaisang to attend Zhan." Lan XiChen informed.

Lan Yibo nodded his head at his brother in agreement. Don't leave me, Zhan. You are my greatest blessing. If I ever lose you, that will be my end.

The next day, Lan Yibo approached his brother, "Let's go. It's almost 9 AM. Yang and Chen will stay back with Zhan."

"Bo Di, are you sure?"

"Yes. I need to know why they have targeted my Zhan. Let's not waste anymore time. Besides, they have prolonged the interrogation for us."

The Lan brothers along with Meng Yao entered the police station. They were warmly greeted by Officer Wang Kai.

"Good morning, gentlemen. We were waiting for you."

"Let's begin."

Officer Wang Kai entered a soundproof room where the four culprits were seated, "Listen, I don't want to waste my time with the formalities. So spill everything out."

Wen Chao and Wen Xu continued to keep a grim face while Li XuanYu cleared his throat.

"I....disguised myself as a member of the Li family." Li XuanYu fidgeted with his fingers.

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