Chapter 12: Ferryman

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(Third Person's POV)

The sweet classical melody echoed the walls of the gentleman's lavish abode as usual. A servant hovered up with a delightful kettle of his favorite tea. The man took it with a bow and stirred a spoon in the glass in thought.

"Thank you, Winston."

The younger compatriot stepped in, stopped before the older, and placed his hands behind his back sophisticatedly.

"Ah! Greetings. What brings you here?" answered the matured.

"The reporter put up quite a fight yesterday," the man replied, charming as ever.

The former knew there was more and raised a brow.


"And... well-" The young man gestured his hand at the doors behind him, smirking.

One of their men stomped inside, holding a firm grip on Tintin's landlady, Ms. Finch. She had avoided fighting against the circumstance since Ms. Finch knew it wouldn't avail to much. After being released, she gave a shaky breath and darted her eyes in all directions before landing them on the leader himself.

The man chuckled lightly before handing his spoon to another servant and sipping his drink.

"Ah! Ms. Finch, how good it is to meet you in person finally!" he greeted sarcastically.

"What is this? What's going on? Where's Ms. (L/n)?!" she questioned, dusting herself off.

"Look," the man pointed his long cane at her. "The only reason you're here is for extortion! You're not something worth trifling with!" He turned his back to her to face the servant for a refill. "But, before you go, perhaps you'd like a cup of tea? Or how about some hot chocolate? You like that, don't you?"

Ms. Finch was taken back by his eerie sense of knowledge, but she stood her ground.

"You're a rotten man! Mr. Tintin will find out what you're planning, and he'll put a stop to it!" she proclaimed confidently.

The man finished his second cup of tea and gave the glass to the servant.

"Yes, yes, keep telling yourself that." He lifted his head and the perpetrator hauled Ms. Finch out the door. The leader turned to his companion when the doors closed. "I think it's time we find our certificate of authenticity, hm?"

They were interrupted by the younger man's radio.



"The reporter is here! We saw him sneakin' 'round the other boat!!!"

The older gentleman lifted a brow before exiting the room.


Tintin stepped out of a cab, paid the driver, and peered at the harbor full of ships, aircraft, and sailors. He furrowed his brows in thought as he studied every object and person in sight.

"Shephard Shuttle." He repeated to himself, thinking about the name over and over again.

Within a few minutes, Captain Haddock showed up in a police vehicle.

"Tintin!" He slammed the door, and it drove off. "What have you gotten so far?"

"The men took (Y/n) in the red van from yesterday, and Ms. Finch was taken in another that looked identical to it. Each had the logo which read 'Shepherd Shuttle' on the back doors." The two began walking down the road. "We know that the thugs wanted to bring (Y/n) here, so I'm assuming either they are meeting someone or have plans to take her far, far away where we can't interfere..."

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