Chapter 17: Checkmate

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(A/n): Hi!

So-so-so-so-so sorry I took so long on this... I wanted to write it well! I'll try not taking so long next time!

Anyway, enjoy your next chapter with Tintin and the gang!

(Your POV)

We arrived at the dock. It was a more private one than I suspected. Turned out that the German pension hotel we were going to stay at was quite the luxurious one and not exactly affordable for poor people like moi.

As we stepped out of the boat, Captain tied the rope to the dock and I was second to my uncle to walk down the ramp. A couple of watchmen waved at me and I politely reciprocated; then I scanned my surroundings to see where we had landed.

All I could see were large hills blocking me from looking further on into Germany. I was calculating how long it might take us to get to the pension, pursing my lips from the hunger of two meal-less days. I wondered if it would take a while to get there.

Then my Uncle spoke up with relieving info.

"My love, gaze with your eyes here-" he stretched out a hand and I girlishly took it. He pulled me towards him and pointed to my upper left. "That's our roof for tonight!"

Widening my eyes, I followed his point to a tall hill, finally noticing the colossal palace exalted before us. Okay, slight exaggeration. However, it was quite grander than the stuffy apartment I lived in. It was very large, as any hotel should be, and had a posh-modern look about it with visible greens growing up along the sides. I couldn't see the details of its structure too well, but a tiny smile of curiosity curved on my face.

Since it wasn't far, we were able to walk uphill. There was a small but pretty fountain at the front that paired well with the flowers and tiled road ahead. The hotel was set at the peak of the hill so all you saw was a couple of hills and the ocean behind it. There were plenty of sophisticated people strolling in, making me feel a little nervous at the thought of entering such a place, especially with the way I looked.

The bell boys opened the doors for us and we entered.

I stiffened when the interior came to view. Everything looked so clean and expensive that I felt like a phony even being there. I liked it, of course, though. The front desk was small and out of the way so you could see a lot of what the pension offered. There were sitting areas across from us, a spacious dining spot to our left with all kinds of pricey dishes being served, and even a spiral staircase next to the vast window which led to another floor above our heads for the library and other things.

"Wow..." I commented timidly, sort of hiding behind Kadron from being uncomfortable with myself.

I watched a waiter go by with a tray mounted with meats and cheeses and the hunger pains started up again.
'That looks super good right now...'

"Grüße- Greetings! Wie kann ich ihnen behilflich sein?" a shrill voice called.

A stout, short man walked up. I knew the older gentleman was the manager, and although he had a posh, nasal voice that made him seem like he didn't like anyone, that didn't make for a good reason to dislike the man. He had small rectangular glasses and wore a complete grey suit which would look common if it weren't for the baby flowers in his suit pocket and subtle, intricate, gold designs. He had a thick amount of wavy hair and eyes that popped out from his head.

He paused when he got close and pointed a finger at my uncle.

"Agh- wait a mom- Finn Isaac, is that you?" the man asked flatly, although again, I knew such tone was part of his personality.

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