Chapter 15: The Black Market

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(A/N): Helllooo!

Sorry I took so long on this one. As you may expect, it is a bit longer than my other chapters. This one is a bit important as well and needed more attention to detail but AnYwAy... enjoy your ride with the adventurers and let me know what you think!

(Your POV)

A sword whipped.

The opened canister flicked to the ground.

One gunfire was released at such appalling targets.

There was a wet touch of a wound.

Each bullet echo rang worse than the last.

Bang! BANG!


My eyes popped open once the dream ended. I breathed a little heavy from its intensity, but I wasn't too spooked, really...

The sun was up. I gazed lazily at the ocean horizon, which looked like it had cleared up from the hailstorm, and only fog was left. A calm tidal wave continuously washed along the beach and touched my fingertips before drawing back into the sea. Its cold touch reminded me of my dream. I lifted my hand to look at my fingers, knowing full well that there would be no blood, but I still wondered.

For a second, I shut my eyes tiredly to try sleeping again.

My stomach started churning from hunger. I groaned in annoyance, too tired to focus on finding food. As it continued, I lifted my body to roll over on my left side, limply dropping my face against the sand. A sting surged through my cheek.


I pushed up instantly on my arm and felt my face. The large bandaid covering my left cheek was still there. I rubbed it lightly with a scrunched face, remembering that I had my gash cleaned up from the helicopter crash last night.

The hunger pains grew stronger and louder, so I tiredly sat upright and yawned.

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I combed my hair briefly and scoped the camp. The fire was dead, and all the boys were still dead asleep. Captain Haddock was snoring his head off- which didn't surprise me- as well as Kadron- which really surprised me- while everyone else was more peaceful looking.

I dusted the sand off my body and looked down, noticing I was still wearing Tintin's coat. I gazed the circle and spotted the journalist to my far left. His body was a bit more curled up compared to the others, so I furrowed my brows with sympathy, wondering if the poor thing was cold all night so that I could keep warm.

I frowned. Removing the coat, I stood and went ahead and quietly draped it over Tintin like a blanket. He shouldn't have to feel so cold while exhausted, especially when he's been doing so much to help with my problems.
'This should help him sleep better.' I thought, maternally adjusting the coat so Tintin could be comfortable and smiling whimsically at him.

A dog bark startled me, and I turned to see Snowy looking up at me from behind, awake and lively.

"Oh! Hi, Snowy!" I greeted him, almost embarrassed by my gesture toward his owner. I shook away such ridiculousness and petted him.

At that moment, my stomach wailed, making me scowl. Sighing, I tightened my lips unhappily and distracted my pain with Snowy's cuteness. However, as I did, Snowy perked and stepped away from camp calmly. I tilted my head and followed, wondering what his doggy senses were picking up. Unexpectedly, Snowy zoomed out into the forest, barking a couple of times before disappearing.

My brow lifted with concern. The last thing we needed was to lose the dang dog when we already had so many other problems on our hands. Holding my arms out into a shrug, I shook my head.

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