Chapter 51

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I throw up as soon as I hit the floor of the Pack House.

"Luna," Knox breathes in relief once I'm done hurling the contents of my stomach from being thrown into the in between without a tether.

"Killian," I say in horror, looking at Knox. "He forced me to make the oath. It was an Alpha Command, he wouldn't... I tried..."

Knox looks at me in despair. "He... He showed us what was happening through the mindlink once he teleported us out. We saw what happened."

"The mindlink," I say, and try reaching out to Killian, but my thoughts are sent into a void.

"It cut out once the oath was made," Knox says quietly. Just like the witches had done with the other wolves they stole.

"We have to go back," I insist, but as I say that, a sharp pain attacks my skull, and I inhale sharply, grabbing my head that feels like it's splitting in two.

"You made an oath," Knox says calmly, no doubt trying to curb my panic. "If you try breaking it, you'll die."

I look around, seeing only the circulus around me. "Where is everyone else?" I ask in confusion, noting the lack of vampires and Viatoribus. And Ares Alstott, an army of her own.

Gabe says quietly, "He sent everyone back to their homes. The Blood Luna called to tell us to keep her updated."

"He should have sent himself back," I choke on my own words, unable to hold back my tears.

Kage shakes his head at me sadly. "He would have never left you there."

"We have to-" I begin, but the sharp pain comes back, even harder than last time, so strong I fall to my knees in pain.

"Stop," Jae snarls at me. "You can't push the oath, Luna. Don't hurt yourself."

"We can't do nothing," I gasp out, my chest tightening.

But there was nothing we could do.



The pain the witch inflicted on me didn't loosen up after I sent Katrina back home.

Back to our home.

I would have traded my life for hers a million times over. There was never a question about it.

It takes multiple warlocks to carry my paralyzed body to a cellar, the same cellar from Katrina's drawing from all those months ago.

Leo is chained up to the wall, a tube draining his blood slowly. His face is pale, and sweat drips down his forehead. His eyes flash in surprise when he sees me.

I can't move as I'm chained up across from him with silver chains. The witch kept the shield around me, the magic somehow blocking me from opening any portals.

The witch, appearing to be some kind of leader to them, takes my weapons of out my pockets, and uses one of my blades to slash the palm of my hand. I don't move, can't move, as she licks the blood, smiling.

"You have the sweetest blood, Ultimum Viatorem," She coos. "And you're so handsome too."

I try snarling, but no sound leaves me.

"No wonder that Seer recovered so quickly," she muses. "I have to admit, we were not ready for the attack. We waited until we Saw the Seer die to steal the other Alpha. She was not supposed to live."

My wolf claws to get to the surface at the mention of our mate, but the silver chains prevent him from rising.

The paralysis eases up around my throat. "I'll kill you," I promise her.

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