Chapter 6

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I take a deep breath as we survey the scene.

Killian's territory is beautiful, no doubt, but I can sense something sinister as we look into the woods. Something terrible lies beyond these trees, of that I am certain.

A chill runs up my spine.

"Be alert," I tell the circulus, and they all nod. Layla gulps. Jae pulls out a knife. Kage wraps his shadows around him, and interestingly enough, I see some of them reach out towards Layla.

They watch as I take a few steps, trying to let my Sight guide me. It takes me a few steps to the right. "There's something... wrong," I say quietly.

"What is it Katrina?" Killian asks, and I can hear the edge in his voice as he begins walking towards me.

Suddenly, I realize what the problem is.

"No, don't!" I yell and tackle him before he makes the wrong step.

Killian looks at me in amusement. "I always knew you were a top."

I scowl and get off of him, making sure I dig my elbow into his kidney as I do so, and feel satisfied when I hear him groan in pain.

"Nobody move," I warn, and everyone freezes.

I pick up a rock and toss it where Killian was going to step. From a tree, a net on a wire drops down before ricocheting back up. It's a trap.

Layla squeals. "I love Seers!"

Killian inspects the net, hissing when he touches it. "Wolfsbane, silver wiring," He confirms.

Maryn frowns. "Traps for werewolves? Who would do this?"

None of us have an answer.

"This explains why we haven't been mindlinked when our wolves go missing," Gabe's eyebrows pull together. "The silver and wolfsbane would weaken them enough to cut off their mindlink."

"So, we were right," Jae says, pensively looking at the trap. "Whoever is taking our wolves wants them alive."

"For what?" Kage asks, his voice a whisper.

None of us have an answer for that either.

I walk to the net. "Maybe if I touch it," I begin to say, pulling off a glove and reaching out my hand. Killian grabs me by the wrist.

"No," He says, his voice and eyes equally dark. "It'll hurt you. Take too long for you to recover."

I roll my eyes. "It's just a little silver and wolfsbane, Killian. I think I'll live."

"I said no," Killian snarls.

"And I said yes," I counter, reaching with my other hand.

Killian grabs that wrist too. "No."

"I think you should let her do it," Maryn suggests. "Maybe she'll see something useful." Finally, someone with a brain.

"I agree," Jae adds, and Knox nods his head.

Layla's eyes widen, and she starts kicking around a rock, not making eye contact, trying not to get involved.

Kage quietly says, "It's a bad idea, Katrina. You shouldn't risk it."

Gabe adds, "I can smell the wolfsbane from here. That high of a concentration could seep into your skin and render you unconscious."

I sigh. "I won't touch it for long. Just give me a minute."

"Five seconds," Killian counters.



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