Chapter 17

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"They want to host the ball at their house?" Jae scoffs, throwing the note on the table after reading it. "Obviously they're planning an attack."

"You don't know that," Layla frowns. "Maybe they have a nicer house."

"Nicer than mine?" Killian rolls his eyes. "Yeah, right."

"I bet they do," Maryn says excitedly. "Vampires are supposed to be rich."

Knox scowls. "You're only basing that off of the Twilight movies."

"And you only know that because you've watched them!" Maryn yells the accusation, and her and Layla do a victorious handshake while laughing.

Knox rolls his eyes. "Please tell me you're not considering this, Killian."

Killian shrugs. "Why not? It's even better than having it here because we can snoop through their house. We can even find where they're holding the wolves."

"If they're holding the wolves," Gabe interjects thoughtfully. "We have no evidence."

Jae sneers, "Oh, shut up, Gabe. Obviously, they're the ones responsible. Why else would Katrina have visions of blood, and a vampire coven just so happens to be staying a few miles away from our territory?"

"I agree with Gabe," Kage says quietly. "It doesn't make sense. That coven has been there for hundreds of years based on the books. Why start to break the peace now? It says vampires are avoidant of werewolves."

"You're basing your opinion on an old ass book?" Mar scoffs. "People change."

"They're not people, they're vampires," Layla says seriously.

Mar glares at her. "Fine. Vampires change."

"No, not really," Gabe argues. "They don't age at all. They literally don't change."

"Let's put it to a vote," Killian suggests. "Yes, we go. No, we don't."

"Yes," Jae says immediately. "It's worth the risk."

"No," Maryn says after a moment. "We have it on our territory or not at all."

"No," Gabe agrees. "It gives them too much of an advantage. And it's sketchy that they insist on having it on their territory."

"Yes," Kage says, his voice soft. "For all we know, they're peaceful. Maybe they could help us find the missing wolves."

Jae rolls her eyes at his optimism.

"No," Knox says. "It's not safe for any of us. We already lost too many wolves to them. They'll sure slaughter all of us as soon as we take a step inside their coven."

"I vote yes," Layla says excitedly. "I have a new dress and want to see if my poison works on vampires."

Killian glances at me. "Katrina, you give the deciding vote."

"Ah," I say hesitantly. "This seems more like a circulus thing."

"You're in our circulus," Layla says in confusion, and when I don't respond, she looks sad. "Right?"

"Do you have any visions about it?" Killian asks me.

I shake my head. "No... Sorry. There's nothing."

"Even more of a reason not to go," Knox adds.

Jae swallows, and I see her throat bobbing. Killian must have seen it too, because he quickly says, "We're going."

"This is the dumbest thing we've ever done," Knox mutters, shaking his head in disappointment.

"No, the dumbest thing we've done is fill an inflatable pool up with chocolate syrup," Layla disagrees.

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