"did you seriously take advice from mcgill?"

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"Hey, Rowan," Someone whispered from behind her.

"Yeah?" She turned to find the voice, her eyes falling on Jack Kasper.

"So did you hear about the-" He was cut off by the sound of the bell. Rowan stood up and grabbed her stuff before walking out the door with him. "Did you hear about the dance?"

"Oh, no. I didn't,"

"I think they're gonna announce it during lunch or something. It's girls ask the guys," Jack informed.

"Oh," She started, mentally cursing herself for being so bad at flirting.

"You ready to go, Rowan?" Adam Banks questioned, rushing over to interrupt the conversation as subtly as he could.

"That's cool. Thanks for telling me in advance," She nodded, slowly stepping backward until Adam turned her around to walk correctly.

"What was Jack telling you?" Adam curiously asked. 

"Some stupid school dance. He said it was girls ask the guys."

A wave of relief washed over him. "I didn't know they were doing that." 

"Well, now you do."

"Rowan said there's gonna be a dance," Adam announced as they sat down at their usual lunch table.

"A dance?" Larson repeated.

"It was just something Jack told me. I don't know if it's official or not," She shrugged.

"Jack? Jack Kasper?" McGill suddenly asked.

"Yeah," Rowan confirmed, confusion lingering in her voice.

"What were you doing talking to Jack Kasper?"

Before Rowan could answer, a teacher stood on an empty table and grabbed the attention of the students. Sure enough, there was a dance. It was on the last night before winter break. And it was girls asking the guys.

"No pressure for us,"  Larson breathed out, satisfied.

"Yeah, there is. Pressure to get asked, and the future is not looking too bright for you guys," Rowan mentioned.

"Even Adam?" McGill asked, knowing it would get under her skin. Luckily, a girl approached their table -- saving her from that awkward situation.

"Hey, Larson. I was just wondering if you, um, wanted to go to the dance with me?" The girl, who they recognized as Amelia Zayer, nervously asked. 

McGill, Adam, and Rowan looked at her with wide eyes.

"Uh, yeah. Definitely," Larson accepted.

"Okay. Great," She giggled before walking away. 

Larson turned back to Rowan with a look of pride on his face. "What were you just saying, Ro?"

She stayed silent for a moment, quickly changing the subject as she fiddled with her water bottle. "So, what's wrong with Jack Kasper?"

"He's a douche," Adam told her.

"We hate him," McGill added on.

"Was I supposed to know this?" 

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