"hey, why don't you two get a room?"

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The Ducks won another game. And then another. And another. Until they got to the point where they couldn't not win.

"Rowan Pierce, right?" Gordon Bombay questioned, stopping the girl as she entered the rink for her figure skating practice. "Adam's girlfriend?"

"Uh...yeah. No, I mean." She awkwardly said. "The first part, yes. I'm Rowan. But the second, no."

"I know you can skate," He ignored her flustered appearance. "I've seen you. Have you ever considered hockey? I need all the best players possible if we are going to continue onto the finals."

"No, not really. I mean, Adam and Reilly have asked me but I've never been into it."

"If you won't play, could you teach my Ducks some moves? I want to fake the Hawks right out of their pads." He requested.

She hesitated for a moment.

"I'll get you your own jersey," Bombay added.

"Alright, I'm in."

"Great! I'll see you tomorrow at practice," He responded before suddenly turning to say one last thing: "And I wouldn't be too sure about the whole 'not Adam's girlfriend' thing. I was in the van too'."

"Someone's excited about something," Rowan observed as Adam practically bounced off the walls and into her house. 

"Coach told us you were coming to practice today!"

"Oh, yeah. He asked me to help you guys with stuff," She shrugged. 

"So you're not joining the team?" Adam frowned.

"No," She laughed. "Think of me as more of an...assistant for the day."

"Coach Rowan -- I like it," He grinned. 

"Good. I'm making food, you want any?"


"The usual."

The two started making their favorite breakfast meal like they've done so many times before. It was going well until Adam threw flour at the girl's face. She slowly looked up at him with her mouth open. "Oh, you are so dead, Banks!" She threatened, grabbing a handful of powder and smashing it right on top of his head, mixing it into his hair.

They fought with the soft white flour as they both laughed hysterically. After 10 minutes, they looked at the mess they had made. "Guess we should probably clean this up, huh?"

"You think?" Rowan laughed.

The duo wiped down the cabinets, counter, and floor to get rid of any remaining powder. Once the kitchen looked spotless, Adam glanced over at Rowan. She gave him a puzzled look in response. "You look like shit right now."

"Wow, you must be great with the ladies, Stud." 

"There's flour all over you," He restated, rolling his eyes at her previous sarcasm. 

She looked down. "Oh, right."

He handed her a wet washcloth and she grazed it over her cheek. "Did I get it?"

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