"merry christmas, guy!"

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"Are you sure this isn't too much? Because my mom really wanted me to wear a tie but I don't want to overdress on my first day an-" Adam Banks nervously rambled on as he paced across the  driveway.

"Adam," Rowan said, eventually grabbing his attention long enough to keep him still "I think you look very handsome, but if it bothers you that much, just loosen the tie and untuck your shirt."

"Okay." He sighed before doing as advised "This is better, right?"

She hummed a 'yes' as a response while taking in every detail displayed upon him. The baby blue shade of his button up shirt complimented almost everyone of his features -- dark blonde hair, slightly tanned skin, bright blue eyes, and a walnut colored watch that he strapped onto his wrist.

"But are you entirely sure? I don't want to underdress because it is a like a 'preppy-school' in Charlie's words and I just want to make a good first impression, but I don't know what the others are w-"

Rowan quietly laughed as her boyfriend dove into a further analysis of his choice of clothing and the worries that came with it. Finally to get him to shut up, she placed her lips onto his -- instantly distracting and calming him from the distressed feeling. "If I saw you for the first time today, I think I would completely fall in love with you right then and there."

"You really mean that?" Adam questioned, showing a gentle smile as he looked down at her.

"I absolutely and utterly mean that, A."

His grin grew even wider at her words, carefully leaning down to crash his lips onto hers for the second time that morning. "Did I mention how pretty you look today?"

"That depends, does 'good morning, my pretty girl' count?"

"You bet."

Rowan chuckled lightly, a soft pink still heating her cheeks -- as Adam Banks never failed to make her blush like an idiot. Her head snapped back towards the street at the faint sound of numerous 'quacks' being chanted on a loop. "You better lace up skater, I hear ducks."

Adam quickly glanced in the same direction as her, just seeing the outline of six people gliding down North Hennepin Avenue. He then sat down on the nearest step, trying to tie his skates as rapidly as possible while the approaching group landing at the end of the driveway, just as they had last summer for the games -- waiting quite impatiently.

"Come on, Banks!" Guy anxiously called.

"Yeah, let's make like the Spanish and bon voyage!" Averman shouted.

"That's not the right language." Rowan told Adam, causing the two to discreetly laugh at the boy's lack of knowledge.

"Banksie!" Charlie hollered for the final time as he quickly strapped his helmet on and threw his backpack over his shoulder.

"Have a good first day." He sweetly told Rowan.

"You too." She returned the message "Hey, promise me one thing."

Adam quickly whipped around to face her as she gave him a half smile and half worried look. "Anything."

"Promise me you won't go and make all the girls fall in love with you."

"Never in a million years."

Rowan smiled, standing on the tips of her toes to peck his cheek.

"I think you're forgetting something." Adam said, tapping his lips with his pointer finger and swiftly sliding his hand across her waist, pulling her into a tender kiss.

"I swear, if we are late because you two wanted to get down and dirty with it, I'm gonna kill you both!" Goldberg snapped.

"Bye, my love -- for real this time."

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