14 His Jealousy

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Chapter 14


I understand the global marketing tactic that sex sells, but must it always be so on the nose? Aren't we past that evolutionary stage of being drawn to naked bodies like moths to flames? What's the point of honing our intellect and reaching into our souls, if at the end of the day, our genitals make all the decisions?

Anyway, that's what's going through my head as Gia hands me the white bikini. High waist bottoms that tie on the sides, a strapless top that connects with a bow. For some reason, there's a white floral crown on my head, as if I left the chapel to strip and sip on a coconut cocktail.

Michael, my husband, is the same height as Lucas. But he's blonde and blue eyed. And very gay. And very much attracted to our photographer. Except, our poor photographer - I don't know his name - is scared of Lucas, who's behind his shoulder, giving directions on how to frame the shot.

"Layla, I need you to pretend like you're having fun and not doing calculations in your head." Lucas says, frowning at the camera monitor.

"I'm literally on my back with a drink in my hand. If you want me to loosen up then maybe this plastic prop should be replaced with actual alcohol." I complain, tilting the cocktail upside down to make my point.

"No alcohol for you. Now, think about the money we're going to make and strike a pose. Please."

I roll my eyes and lift on my elbows, squinting at the turquoise waves crashing the shore. The misty breeze drapes over my scorching skin that's glistening with shimmering sunscreen, and I would be enjoying it if Lucas wasn't standing over me with a scowl and a camera.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't ask Casey to model." I glare at the ocean.

Lucas sighs, running his hand through his hair. "I know. I fucked up. Let it go. Gia when is Michael going to be ready? I think we're done with Layla's single shots."

Gia is oiling up Michael's sculpted chest. "In a few minutes. Need to spray his hair and contour his face a little."

"Cool. I'm going to get some water. Derek, you want one?" He turns to the photographer, who shakes his head. Lucas tips his chin at the rest of us; we nod.

He heads a few yards away to the white bricked restaurant with an open bar, and I pry my eyes away from the way his calves flex with each heavy step in the sand, from the way his golden, sweat kissed shoulders shift subtly from side to side.

Right on cue, two blonde hyenas in pink bikinis sway their hips towards him. The three go up to the bar, Lucas between them. He looks at one of them, responds to something, makes her throw her head back and laugh. And I'm sad to report that her neck doesn't snap in half.

Someone clears their throat. I turn to see it's Derek. "Uhm, Layla could we try a few more shots? Maybe with Lucas away, you will be less tense?"

"Sure." I force a smile, muscles rigid. That asshole. Flirting in the middle of an important campaign. Doesn't he know how important his focus is to our performance? Looks like I need to step up again.

"Wow, already an improvement." Derek says, shocked. He quickly drops in a squat position with newfound determination and starts snapping away as I pose. "Alright, girl. I see you. I see you."

I smirk, flattered at his encouragement and sit in a straddling position for a spicier angle. After a few more takes, Derek seems happy and asks Michael to join, blushing a little when he responds with 'yes sir' to his request.

We ask what Derek wants, and he says to show us passion. So I get this brilliant idea and tell Michael to sit with his knees open so I can get on his lap - an intimate moment of a loving wife sharing a drink with her husband. Gia palms her cheeks and gushes about how cute we look when Michael wraps his arms around me. Meanwhile I'm trying to fight the grimace from our bodies sticking to each other with a thousand pounds of products.

"Um, what's this?" Lucas snaps me out of my thoughts when he suddenly appears before us.

"We moved on to the couple's shoot, that's what you wanted, right?" Derek quickly answers, back to his nervous self.

"Something wrong with the position?" I ask, eyes wide with concern. My arms wrap around Michael's neck and I scoot a little closer, shifting in his lap.

I press my lips as his jawline tightens in the stretched silence. Gia rushes to fix the situation by adding more oil to Michael's arms and Derek gets lower for a better angle. I try to help too by shifting my attention to my husband and engaging in small talk so we seem more natural.

"Maybe we should do one where you kiss her cheek." Derek suggests behind the lens, face distorted with concentration.

"You got it, boss." Michael says flirtatiously. He splays one hand on my lower back, holds the back of my head with the other, then presses his lips on my cheek. I die from awkwardness, but hide it with a low gaze and a small smile as he holds the position until Derek has had enough. "Was that fine?" Michael asks him. "I can get closer to her mouth if-"

"We're not filming a condom commercial. I don't even see the drinks in the shot." Lucas cuts him off. The abrasive tone of his voice shakes my nerves and stuns me quiet.

"That's true." Michael chuckles, reaching for the fake drink before looking at me. "Would you like a sip, my lady?"

"New positions. We got enough of this one." Lucas interrupts again.

"Who's a dictator now?" I grumble under my breath.

"What's that?" He asks.

I get off Michael's lap and put my hands on my hips. "Maybe you should loosen up a little if you don't want us to look tense in the pictures."

"You don't look tense at all. In fact, it almost looks like you're not doing a photoshoot." He says sarcastically, piercing me with his gaze.

"Isn't that a good thing?" I ask calmly, raising my eyebrows. "Or should I do calculations in my head?"

He clicks his jaw, but the action is barely noticeable. "I want you two sitting next to each other, with the drinks between you. On the blanket. No touching."

"Like acquaintances?" I deadpan. "This is our honeymoon. He's my husband."

"I can stare at you with lovestruck eyes, if that helps." Michael suggests, getting in the position.

"We should try that." Derek chimes in.

Lucas and I continue to stare, both waiting for the other to speak first. I force my eyes to stay on his face, to not bite my lip at the rigid dips and curves of his arms while the wind teases his hair, contradicting his unmoving stance.

"Get in the position." He finally clips.

"You got it, boss." I smirk.

An hour later, we wrap up the scene and I go to the bathroom to change. Thankfully they have shower rooms, so I rinse to wash the products off and feel my skin again. Putting on the red summer dress from earlier, I twirl my hair up to avoid some of the heat and walk out to the parking lot, searching for Derek's car.

"They left." Lucas says behind me.

I turn around and scowl. "Excuse me? What do you mean they left?"

"I told them to leave." He says simply, hands in his pockets.

My jaw slacks and I blink a couple of times, not understanding. When he looks back with an unreadable expression and doesn't say anything else, fury boils my blood and I snap my fingers. "Hello? Lucas, how am I supposed to get home?"

"With me." His lips curve to one corner. He comes closer and simply takes my bag, throwing it over his shoulder. "Chop chop."

~ A/N ~

They both play so dirty. What's going to happen next?

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