62 Meant For You

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"It's also... your leash." I smirk and kiss him.

Lucas sucks in a sharp breath, empowering me even more.

For just a second.

His lips attack mine with predatory force, making my heart jump with an uneven ripple that leaves my knees buckling.

A growl in the back of his throat makes me shiver and I grasp his shoulders at the same time his arms enclose around my waist, pinning me to him.

I push his chest away to stop this from escalating right now, but he pulls my hair, warning me to behave.

I fist his shirt instead and tense my entire body, fighting against making a sound that'll expose my defeat.

His lips drift mine apart with force, smooth and slow, controlling my head how he wants as he bites my lip and squeezes my ass. Opening his eyes just as I whimper.

Then he lets go. Leaves me standing there, heaving and staring at him wide-eyed.

His dark, hooded eyes glow with cocky amusement, swollen lips pulling up in one corner.

"Be good and I'll give you the rest later." He says, beckoning over my shoulder. "Let's go back to the party."

Oh. That's right. He doesn't like people knowing his business.

"I have one more thing." I tell him, struggling to cover my own amusement.

Lucas creases his forehead as if to ask what just as I lift my hand and slap him across the face.

My palm hits his left cheek, scraping against his stubble and shifting his head to the side.

My own eyes go wide though I know I didn't slap too hard. The fear of hurting him lowered the impact, but the pure expression of shock on Lucas's face is on another level.

"Make me regret that later." I calmly smirk, looking straight at him.

His eyebrows twitch briefly but besides that, he stands so still it scares me.

I take a slow step towards him and smack my hands on his chest, tilting my head up at him.

"I want you..." I murmur, digging my nails into his chest and dragging them down. "To destroy me tonight."

Then quickly, I peel away and open the door, smiling before I turn around to walk out.

I barely take one step before his arm wraps around my waist, his body towering behind me.

"Where do you think you're going?" He asks and squeezes my ass, making my heart flip that someone might see, but no one does. He brings his hand back on my waist and leads me out, winking at me as I look up nervously.

We mingle with Fiona, then move on to Elen and Valerie. Lucas thanks Grant for coming and hugs his sister, Nina. I find out she's been traveling a lot in the last two months, that's why she's been so absent.

It's interesting what a strong personality she is. Guess she needs to be in order to handle Grant. I make a comment about it to Lucas later and he snorts, agreeing with me.

My girls save me from the obligatory small talks and ask Kai to take our pictures. Just as we start to get something decent, Ashton pops a sorority squat with Lucas, making us groan.

"Let the couple take one together." Kai suggests, making everyone step away for Lucas and me. We barely even take one before Shushan grabs my hand and pulls me away.

"Why am I taking it alone?" Lucas laughs right before realizing Ashton is charging at him with a cake. "Oh, shit!"

He ducks down, causing Ashton to fall on him and the cake to fly in the air right at me.

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