22 Two of You

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Chapter 22


We're just going to pretend like that never happened.

What never happened?


After a wonderful pep talk in the bathroom mirror, I square my shoulders and strut out to meet Lucas.

Lucas, who looks disheveled. Like a plucked chicken.

It's funny.

I'm funny.

"Ready to go?" I smile at him. Without waiting, I walk past him and head for the exit. These heels make me feel so sassy. I like the sound of power as they hit the parking lot floor. It's like, I'm in a music video.

Something grabs my wrist. It's Lucas.

Lucas has nice hands. It makes me smile.

He's saying something. He seems angry. He's so hot when he's angry.

Look at that frustration dripping off his face. Like liquid gold. No. Like honey.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" He exclaims. Wow, he's really losing it.

"I'm a bear." I wink at him.

He shakes his head. He still hasn't let go of my wrist. He's walking us to a far far away place. His car.

"Aw, thank you." I grin when he opens the car door for me. Such a nice guy. Lucas.

He huffs and puffs when he gets inside. Starting the car, he turns his head and backs out. What a sight. What a man.

"Bravo." I tell him.

He scowls at me, mumbles something about how awesome I am. Probably.

We get on the road. He's probably dropping me off. Wow what an evening. He met my dad.

"Did you like my dad?" I ask him.

His head whips to me like I just confessed that I'm a chicken. Total disbelief.

"Are you serious? Dude you had like three - or four - shots of sake!"

"Are you worried?" I smile, leaning back in my seat. Very comfortable. "Is this car expensive?"

"Layla, do you remember what you did two minutes ago?"

"In the bathroom? Yes, but that's really disgusting of you to ask."

"The fuck- oh my God. What you said to your dad and I, you little drunk doofus."

The nickname makes me giggle. I am a little drunk doofus. He gets me.

"Oh, you mean the whole daddy thing? Yeah, I remember." I tell him, looking ahead at the cars.

"Do you understand how awkward it was after you left? Or is this incomprehensible on planet Layla?"

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