chapter 1

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me and Ben was on are way to Jurassic world, we were one of the few children who were able to go. i looked around and saw the other people who were coming with us. i know 2 people on the ship, 1 being Ben and 2 being brooklynn, i met her when i was on a trip with my and and i ended up in one of her videos. i walk over to her "hey brooklynn, long time no see," i say with a smile. she turns around " bambi, i have to say, i love that hoodie where did you get it from ?".

"actually i made it, do you like it?" i asked "like it, i love it you have to make me one when we get back home," she replied. i smile "sure, i need another person to use as a model instead of my brother and myself," i said truthfully, you see me and my mother don't have a strong relationship so she hardly ever talks to me but dads always working over seas here so i don't have a chance. "i'm going to check on Ben," i said. as i walked over to my brother i bumped into someone. we fell to the floor "o my, i'm so sorry, i wasn't watching where i was going," i said getting up and offered my hand to help them up.

"no problem, i wasn't ether," she said grabbing my hand to get up 'her hand is soft,' i thought "my names bambi," i said smiling. "yasmina," she said not letting go of my hand and we went are different ways.

*after the ride*

i stood with yasmina and Ben was being sick off the side. Dave started to babbled on acting like he was the head of camp, see i already know Dave and Roxy as i stayed at Jurassic world as are mother works here and are mum often takes us over the holidays, i have to say one of the workers who is ,y fave is Owen or Dave 100% . Soon a car pulled up near us. i started to laugh and everyone looked at me. "hello everyone, my names Roxy, head counsel," Roxy walked up to me and ruffled my hair "good to see you again bambi," i look at her "good to see you too Roxy." i said smiling at her

" now all 7 of you are here let's go to camp," Dave said "there's only 6 of us," Ben said next to me. "wait, Dino-kid, internet-girl, barfy, texas, track-star, little ginge , he's right where's 7," roxy looked at her board and scoffed, meaning there's ether a rick bratty kid or some kind of meeting and i'm guessing the first one, as a helicopter has flown over are heads, we soon was at a helicopter stop.

soon a helicopter landed and out came a kid that looks around yasmina's age "kenji has arrived, no need to panic," 'yep a rich kid,' "put this in my room," he threw his bag at Roxy. "so, what's your deal?" he asked a kid he looks around 12 -13. Roxy threw the bag back at him "all right campers get into the the van," we all hopped into the back and buckled up me and Ben were first in then kenji as he sat next to Ben, yasmina sat next to me and on the other side Sammy sat.

as we drove brooklynn, who Dave called internet-girl, started to record a video "what's up brooklanders, it's your girl brooklynn and were about to unbox the mystery of Jurassic world kapow," she pursed her phone and said " i want you to say your name and something about yourself," before we could say anything she pointed her phone at a kid "um- my name is darius and, i got here by playing this super awesome vr game-," before he could say anything Sammy interrupted him "omg, sorry i just still can't believe that you actually here, i'm Sammy, total brooklander, my family gives the meat to this place and that's how i got here," "what's a brooklander?" darius asked "it's just what my followers on the internet call me," she replied "yea all 27 million of us," Sammy said

"ho ho, rich, famous, its just meant to be," kenji said. brooklynn started to record again and pointed at me " you all know bambi, the one who recorded my video of how to make a new closet with only $50 and joined me in my unboxing china video, she's fluent in chines and showed me the greatest  place to get food, it was amazing, she also is a clothing designer and an influencer too," i smiled at the camera and waved, when Brooklynn stared taking again "and she is working with me to make a new branded clothing to come out as merch soon so keep looking on the merch web-page because you won't want to miss it," 

"Ben i swear, if you are sick on me," i started "i won't make any promises ," he said as he threw up over the side. soon we hear rustling in the bushes and the car stops. i only know one Dino that tends to get out it enclosure and that's compes. i get out to the side and to the back seats and grabbed the blanket. everyone was too busy watching Dave and Roxy to notice i had moved other than Brooklynn who was recording both me and the counselors . soon the bushes behind the truck and only darius noticed, "um guys," he tried to get their attention but it didn't work as he tried to get their attention again it jumped out of the bush and onto its chest scaring everyone.

as darius looked amazed by the Dino i put the blanket around its waist and picked it up, "Dave, Roxy, we've got it," Roxy and Dave came back as fast as they could, Roxy grabbed a cat carrier and i put it in. we all got back into the seats, "how did you know it was a compy ?" darius asked "nothing special, just they always get out, I've already been around this part they always run away to get around here due to the heat and plants around," i explained "pff- it took a blanket and a cat carrier and a what 12 year old, to catch it," kenji complained. "first of all, im 14 and second it scared you enough to make you jump out of the vehicle," i said. brooklynn took a photo of his face after that and giggled. i sat back in my seat and enjoyed the view.

soon we were in the entrance and i walked over to yasmine. " alright campers you see we have a room for 5 kids and another for 2 seen as the others have not got proper beds and stuff so we've chosen that yasmina, since she has had a special request from the head and bambi seen you are both girls and i think it would be best as your closer in age, alright there are rules the curfew 8pm and light have to be out by 9pm sharp." Roxy said. we all went up and found are rooms me and yas walked into are room to find one bed was on the floor "sorry kids looks like only one bed has a frame," Dave said looking into are room. he walked off and i threw my stuff to the floor and hopped onto the mattress on the floor.

"you do know i don't mind sleeping on the floor, right?" she asked looking at me in shock "you can have the bed i don't mine yas, i like sleeping on the floor," i said smiling. yas walked up to the bed and but are stuff on it and walked to the other side of me. (the mattress is a double) and crawled up to me. i look at her and said " why are you down here when you can sleep on the bed?" "hmmm, i can't let you sleep down here by yourself." soon the door was opened by someone and that had to be ......



of all people it was Dave, we are never going here the end of this. "we're going to see the herding , but if your too busy you can stay here and cuddle," he says "Dave shut up and leave we're coming anyways , so just leave man" and with that we were off the bed and walking down the stairs.

*at the herding*

me and yas where close to each other to the point are shoulders were touching. i could here Dave whispering to Roxy about something but all she did was shrug him off. he quietly was fangirling about us in a way that just makes him seem like a teenager, while darius was fangirling about the dinos. i wasn't paying attention to him i was looking at the scenery. it was really beautiful and effective.

the zip-line was are way back to camp and they put Ben first and pushed him down, all the way down all we could hear was Ben screaming, it was my turn and i walked off the edge and started to zip line down.

when i reached the bottom yas walked up and undid the safety harness pulled me into her arms. we all got to are rooms and i got changed into my pj's and layed on the mattress soon yas walked in and walked into the bathroom and came out in comfy clothes. she layed with me "why don't you sleep in the actual bed yas?" "hmmm," was the only respond i got. i sigh and closed my eyes and soon, i was asleep.

Yasmina's pov*

'i think shes asleep,' i thought as i put my head on her arm,my head lifted with every breath. i look down at her and then i could see her freckles they were visible but still hard to see. i run a hand over them and she mumbles slightly. ' ok that was so freaking adorable.' i pull out my book and start to draw. bambi started to shift in her sleep, she put her head on my lap (p.s yas sat up when she picked up her book) i played with her hair and she stopped moving, that's when i started to draw her sleeping in my lap. it looked good when i put my book down and i layed my head down and fell to sleep.

words :1759

as you can tell i am now editing this story as i don't really like it as it is supper cringe in my opinion and is like 2 years old now so enjoy the new version

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