chapter 6

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we heard a alarm go off "attention. all park-goers must report to the south ferry dock for immediate evacuation last ferry departs in two hours" "[brooklynn] that's it? no explanations? that's all we get?" we heard panting and saw darius running towards them "we have to move. the only way we're gonna make it is if we run," yas tried to walk over to them but was limping i held onto one of her arms and we supported each other as she hurt her left ankle and i hurt my right one "[sammy] are you sure that's the best way to get there?" "im fine ," yas said her hands on her hips bringing my neck with her, she mover her arm that was around my neck and she continued "I've competed with a torn ACL, you should be way more worried about ben and bumpy," "[ben] what we should all be worried about is catching a boat out of here and , naturally, we have a problem. *pulls map out fully* we're here, the docks are on the southern tip of the island, even if we ran at peak yas speed, there's no way we'd make the last boat out" "[sammy] you don't know that!" she tried to denied what he said but i jumped in "yes he does, he memorised the evacuation plan on the ferry ride here" everyone groaned and they fell back darius kept trying to make a new plan, "[auto voice] we will be arriving at main street, your destination for fine dining.." "[brooklynn] is that..?" "....and shopping at jurassic world" we walked tp the notice and found the monorail is still moving "followed by stops at the jurassic world lagoon and the south ferry dock," "[kenji] Monorail, what-what!"  "[brooklynn] hm, nicely played, universe,"  "[darius] hurry!" we all ran to where the monorail is suppose to stop at, i ran faster than everyone and reached the stairs when kenji, brooklynn and sammy went out in the open and ran back behind the wall, i looked at them and they signalled for me to sit down and i did, i looked over the rail and saw Toro, i sat down and put a hand over my mouth.

soon everyone was on the stairs and i was already at the top waiting i saw toro getting closer to the stairs and when the monorail was pulling in kenji almost yelled out but brooklynn put her hand in the way, but the doors opened and the auto voice started to play making toro turn around and see everyone, ben almost was bitten but go away but yas and ben were still the slowest so darius went to help them and we had to hold the doors open,  *unimpressed voice*  err, by we i mean kenji putting himself into the middle of them and us trying to open them, the doors open and everyone ran in and we let g of the doors.

i sighed and layed down on the floor as everyone got up to sit and ben helped my up, i flopped down onto the seats in front of him and everyone was talking, "bambi, can we go to another trailer i want to say something to you," yas said, sounding nervous, " o sure," i smile and went to another trailer with her. she breathed out and grabbed my hand, pulling me in for a hug and whispered into my ear "i don't want what i say to affect are friendship but i like you.. more that a friend, romantically i mean, and i was to nervous to say to you because im still exploring my sexuality and stuff but i want to ask if you would be my ... my--" "your girlfriend?" i asked, trying to come up with what she was trying to say, she nodded " i would love to yas," she looked at me and smiled and kissed my neck and she pulled me down onto some chairs cuddling into me. we smiled to each other.

we heard a bang and i looked out the window and saw the Pteranodons attacking the monorail, "yas, we need to take out all the light," i grabbed a light from the compartment and started to smash them, " why?" she asked " because  Pteranodons are attracted to shiny moving objects!" she helped me and the others came in and ran to the other trailer, i ran to where ben was and saw him climbing up to the roof "what are you doing ben?" i asked, " i have to get over my fear, " i nodded and started to grab the attention of the  Pteranodons by flashing my fight in the other trailers, "what are you doing!" darius yelled to me "ben is on the roof going to the control room at the front, im distracting them away form him.

we bumped into the other monorail that has been shut down and it fell off the path, ben opened the door and everyone started to cheer his name, i smile at him but are happy ending ends hear as everything starts to go down hill, ben try's to walk to us but a  Pteranodon flew in a nocked him into a window, i grab his arm and he grabs mine, i try and pull him in but his hand starts to sip, i grab his shirt with my other hand but disaster struck.

wooooo, chapter 6 in the same day as chapter 5 arn't you lot lucky XP 

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